Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]

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It had been a good week since the boys were out of the control of the sirens and the sirens were kicked out of the dorm, but like Oceana had said, the sirens weren't through yet with the boys. They called, they texted, they showed up at the dorm. They tried every way possible to try and see the boys or at least get in contact with them, but the boys always turned them away. It had become so frequent over the last few days that they had to block the sirens' numbers and even have the staff at BigHit turn them away every time they came to visit.

Although, this whole turn of events came with good factors. Jungkook no longer had to sneak out to see Y/N. If he wanted to see Y/N then all he had to do was say that he wanted to see Y/N and the others allowed him to. All throughout the week though, ever since his hyungs had discovered Y/N, they always wanted to tag long with him to see her as well. It was beginning to get annoying to him as he hadn't been able to spend time with her alone all week.

"Hey Jungkook, are you heading down to the beach?" Taehyung asked curiously. Jungkook nodded in response. "Ooh ok! I'm coming with you! I want to see Y/N!"

"Ok hyung," Jungkook responded with a small sigh.

"It's still so hard to believe that Y/N and sirens are real. I can't believe that the time you told me that you got that scale in your necklace from a siren's tail was actually true," Taehyung recalled with an amazed laugh before looking at the younger member, "By the way, I never apologized for not believing you that time."

"It's ok hyung. I probably wouldn't have either if I was in your situation. I'd need proof too," Jungkook answered with a reassuring smile. His hyung smiled back at that. "Anyways, hurry up and get your things or I'll leave you behind."

"Ok, hang on!" Taehyung exclaimed as he rushed to his room to change into a swim suit. Jungkook waited by the door. "Ok! Let's go!" His hyung came rushing back over wearing his swim suit and carrying a beach bag. They nodded to each other as they slipped on shoes and walked to the door of the dorm. Just as they opened the door, the managers and staff walked in.

"Sorry boys, but wherever you're going, it can wait for a moment. We are to discuss a new BTS Run episode that we will be shooting today," one of the managers announced as he and the others as well as the staff went into the living room. Some of the staff walked down the hallway and called for the other members to come out to listen as well. Both Jungkook and Taehyung pouted a bit at that and slumped their shoulders in disappointment as they joined their fellow band mates on the couch in the living room.

"What's this about a new BTS Run episode?" Namjoon asked in curiosity as he and the boys stared attentively at the staff and managers.

"So, for the BTS Run Episode, we decided that it'll be at the beach since you boys have been spending a lot of time down by the beach. We thought maybe we would have the BTS Run Episode there," one of the managers stated with a smile, "We have waterproof cameras ready and scuba gear and snorkeling gear. So you boys are free to swim around in the ocean." The boys all sat there in silence for a moment before glancing at each other nervously. Normally, they would love to shoot a Run Episode in the ocean, but knowing that there would be cameras out and about, they worried that if Y/N were to be caught on film then things would become quite complicated.

"What's wrong? Why do you boys look like you're about to hurl?" Another one of the managers asked with a raised eyebrow at the uneasiness of the BTS members, "We thought you'd be pleased to hear this considering since you've been spending all of this week going to the beach."

"Well... yeah, we're kind of... beached out...," Jimin commented awkwardly as he glanced at the others for backup.

"Yeah, you know, since we've gone to the beach ALL WEEK, we're not really in the mood to go to the beach now," Seokjin continued with an overly forced and exaggerated grin, which the staff and managers became more suspicious about.

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