Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]

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The members sat on the couch in the living room of the dorm as they tried to wrap their heads around the new situation that they were in. Hoseok had told them about his suspicions of the scientist, Dr. Kai, and how he noticed Dr. Kai putting an identical vile into his pocket before giving him the 'supposed' vile of Namjoon's.

With thoughts of Dr. Kai having the true vile with the sample of the water from the moon pool, the members worried and feared what Dr. Kai would discover. They knew they had to get that vile back, but question now was how they would get it back.

From what Namjoon and Hoseok said, the place was crawling with security. It would be hard for them to enter the building without a valid reason. They couldn't just accuse Dr. Kai of taking their sample without actual proof. Plus, if they tried to sneak in and they got caught then it would look doubly suspicious.

Namjoon and Hoseok were filled with guilt and regret of what they had done. They both knew what they were risking when they went with that Dr. Kai, but they did it anyways. Throughout the entire time that they were back at the dorms, Jungkook didn't talk to either of them and didn't even spare them a glance. If they managed to catch his eye, he would only glare at them in response and turn away. They knew that he had a right to be mad. What they did was foolish and they knew it.

"Alright, we have to think of something to do," Seokjin stated, breaking the silence. The members all glanced at him in wonder. "Sitting here and doing nothing will not do anything to solve this. We need to think of something and fast before that evil scientist finds out anything more."

"He's not an evil scientist," Namjoon protested as he stood up with a serious expression. The members looked at him in surprise. "Yes, he's a scientist, but he's not evil. He's curious because that is how scientists are. We wouldn't have discovered half of the things that we know of today without the help of scientists like him."

"Why are you defending him?" Taehyung asked with a small scoff and a look of confusion. Namjoon sighed as he looked away.

"I'm not defending him. I'm just... I just don't think it's right for us to call him evil when he hasn't done anything that's considered evil," Namjoon explained himself shortly before rubbing his forehead.

"Not yet at least, but he could," Yoongi voiced with a neutral expression before looking at the window and out at the ocean, "He may seem like any other scientist in the world, but what happens when he finds out about Y/N or the moon pool? Will he leave either of them alone or will he continue to explore? Unlike those other sirens, Y/N is more vulnerable. She can't grow legs on land, so she couldn't escape. The ocean is all she has and the moon pool is something that she cherishes." Namjoon continued to look away at that.

"Yeah, Yoongi hyung is right," Jungkook finally spoke out with his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at Namjoon with narrowed eyes, "We promised Y/N that we wouldn't abandon her and yet it's been over a week and none of us have gone to visit her. She's probably still worried sick that her existence is going to be out in the open. We promised her that we wouldn't let that water sample fall into a scientist's hands and that's exactly what's happened. We promised to protect her and yet all we're doing is putting her in danger. I'm sorry hyung, but I don't care if he hasn't shown any signs of being evil yet. I'm not risking it. I'm finding out a way to get that sample back and we're dumping it out, so that nobody can try and take it."

"Ok, but Jungkook, what do you expect us to do? Go to the police and tell them that a scientist took our sample?" Hoseok asked with an exasperated look.

"No, we can't do that because we don't have proof. Plus, they'd ask us what's so special about this sample. I mean, what would we tell them?" Seokjin asked scratching his head as he tried to think.

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