Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope

Start from the beginning

"Can you try from your side? Maybe it'll unstick from your side," his hyung insisted as he stopped wiggling the doorknob. Jungkook sighed a bit. He figured that his hyung would give up by now, but it seemed that his hyung really wanted to join the live, so he reluctantly turned the door knob and opened the door. He came face to face with his hyung would had a relieved look on his face. "Whoo, finally!" Hoseok walked in and walked towards the camera plopping himself down in a chair.

"Yes hyung, by all means, make yourself at home," Jungkook stated sarcastically as he clicked his tongue before closing his studio door and coming back over to the camera.

"Oh sorry Jungkook, why didn't you just say that you wanted to be alone? I would have left you alone," Hoseok mentioned with an apologetic look as he went to stand up, but the younger one stopped him.

"It's fine. I probably won't be on for much longer anyways," Jungkook replied with a shrug and a small sigh as he turned to the camera, "By the way, the doorknob wasn't jammed. I was just holding onto it, so that you couldn't come in."

"Wha-?! Jeon Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed in annoyance as he sent the younger one a disapproving look. Meanwhile, Jungkook did his best to hide his mischievous grin. "Sigh, well, whatever. So, everyone, I assume all of you saw the maknae's video edit and loved it."

"Yeah, they all saw it and they all liked it. I mean, why wouldn't they? I'm a pro at video editing now," Jungkook said proudly and confidently, earning a small scoff from his hyung.

"Huh... thinking a little too highly of yourself now, aren't you?" Hoseok asked raising an eyebrow at the younger one.

"No I'm not hyung, you saw my video edit and saw just how cool and amazing it is," Jungkook stated with a smug look on his face. Hoseok let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Haven't you ever heard of modesty? Because you seriously need some right now," he retorted as he shook his head disapproving. The younger one simply stuck his tongue out at his hyung before swirling around in his wheeling chair. Hoseok sighed again as he looked at the camera. "Our maknae is still learning modesty it seems."

"Hey hyung! This is my live and you came and invaded! Stop telling them lies!" Jungkook protested as he slapped his hyung's shoulder roughly, earning a loud shriek from his hyung who was surprised by the sudden impact on his shoulder. This made the younger one stifle a laugh of amusement.

"Aish this maknae is always hurting and being disrespectful to his hyungs," Hoseok grumbled with a click his tongue as he rubbed his shoulder lightly. It was quiet for a moment as they both stared at the camera before Hoseok glanced over at Jungkook. The younger one noticed his hyung's stare and glanced at him as well.

"What?" He asked, eyeing his hyung back curiously.

"So about this Y/N-," Hoseok began to say, but he was immediately cut off by Jungkook, who sent him a small glare.

"I'm not going to talk about her, so don't even start," Jungkook said all at once, cutting off his hyung. His hyung didn't seem surprised by his answer and decided not to push on the subject, but then noticed that in the comment section that there were comments asking who Y/N was. He glanced at the younger one with a slightly concerned expression. The younger one noticed his hyung looking concerned at him and looked to where he was looking. He read through some of the comments and bit his lip nervously seeing some of the comments asking who Y/N was.

"Sorry, I probably shouldn't have brought it up," Hoseok apologized with a sincere expression. Jungkook let out a sigh, letting it go considering how apologetic his hyung looked, so he didn't bother to get annoyed at him. He sat there staring at his desk, debating with himself on how he was going to dismiss the commenters and questions about Y/N calmly and smoothly without the result of more questions or suspicions occurring. Once he was done coming up with a plan in his head, he looked at the camera with a small smile.

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