They all sat at the table, chattering while talking. Jungkook sat in silence, picking at his food and stealing glances towards the window that overlooked the ocean. His eyebrows were furrowed and his expression was uneasy. Namjoon noticed and looked at the younger one with a concerned expression. His thoughts went to the research that was on the younger one's computer. He was unsure about how to depict his behaviour to that of the research, but he knew that it had something to do with that.

"I'm going to head to bed now," Jungkook announced as he stood up and took his plate with him just as Namjoon was going to say something. The others all looked at him with surprised looks.

"But it's just 6:00 PM," Jimin stated as he glanced at his phone then back at Jungkook.

"I know. I'm tired though, so I'm heading to bed early. After all, we have early morning practice tomorrow morning," he mentioned as he walked to the kitchen and placed his dish in the sink before heading down the hallway towards his room. The others all remained seated and glanced at each other in confusion and worry.

"What's with him?" Yoongi asked as he took his last bite of food.

"Who knows. He's become so secretive these days," Seokjin commented with a shrug as he stuffed some food in his mouth. The others nodded in agreement to that. Namjoon only stared at down the hallway where Jungkook had disappeared from for a bit before turning his attention back to the others. When they were all done, he walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the younger one's bedroom door. He knocked on the closed door, but got no answer, so he slowly opened the door only to find Jungkook asleep in his bed. He smiled softly before closing the door and walking back down the hallway.

Once Namjoon had left the room, Jungkook opened his eyes and carefully sat up in his bed. He got ready to head down to the beach and as quietly as he could, opened his window and slipped out. He walked down to the beach with his shining necklace as his guide until he reached the spot.

He sighed when he didn't see Y/N anywhere in sight. He peered behind the rocks, but she was nowhere to be seen. Plopping himself down on the sand, he stared off into the distance and waited, hoping that she would eventually come, but the longer he waited the more his doubt rose.

"Am I ever going to see you again?" He asked lightly as a wave rolled over his foot, tickling the skin. There was no response to his question, only the sound of waves rolling into the shore could be heard and the sound of cars on the road. He pouted in disappointment as he picked up a few, small rocks beside him and started skipping them along the surface of the water.

"Ow! Again with the rocks?!" The sound of a familiar voice asked in an frustrated tone. His eyes widened when he recognized the voice and within a few moments after, Y/N's head popped out from the water.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed happily as he smiled at her. She rubbed her forehead and glared at him in response.

"You really need to stop doing that. You're going to hurt someone, namely me!" She yelled as she pointed at herself, "I swear I have more than 10 bumps on my head from you throwing rocks into the water."

"But don't you heal like automatically?" Jungkook asked in confusion as he tilted his head, earning a scoff from Y/N.

"What made you think that? Just because I have the ability to heal others that doesn't necessarily mean that I have the ability to heal myself," she stated as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but you're a supernatural/mythical creature. In all the tv shows and movies that I've seen, they always have the ability to heal themselves," Jungkook argued with a shrug. Y/N sighed at that and shook her head disapproving.

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