Chapter 33

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Zuko and Katara climb onto Appa.

"So if I'm going to be Fire Lord after the war is over" Zuko looks at Iroh "what are you going to do?"

"After I re-conquer Ba Sing Se, I'm going to re-conquer my tea shop, and I'm going to play Pai Sho every day" Iroh flips a Pai Sho piece and catches it as he speaks.

Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Suki all look at each other.

"Sokka" Zuko sighs "If Kira's with my father-"

"hey" Sokka smiles "I won't hurt your wife if I don't have to"

"...I don't think that can be avoided" Zuko says sadly

"Zuko" Iroh speaks up "believe in her, to do the right thing"

Zuko nods and Katara pats hiss back.

"Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend" Iroh smiles "I know it"


"It's time for this world to end in fire, and for a new world to be born from the ashes" Ozai declares

He stands in front of his air fleet as the comet appears in the horizen.

"Kira" Ozai calls

Kira walks up and stands next to him

(Right now I don't feel like changing her hair and eye color, just know she's wearing her fighting clothes, those clothes, and her hair and eyes are black)

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(Right now I don't feel like changing her hair and eye color, just know she's wearing her fighting clothes, those clothes, and her hair and eyes are black)

"Are you ready?" Ozai asks

"yes father" Kira replies, her black eyes staring off

The two board their airship and they take off. Ozai and Kira stand at the front of the airship as they approach the earth nation. Ozai inhales deeply. He exhales, opens his eyes and smiles.  The airship that Sokka, Suki, and Toph hijacked is behind them.

"The Comet" Kira says looking up into the sky

Ozai tilts his head back and smiles sadistically. He raises his arms in the air, pulls his palm down toward the ground beneath. A small but incredibly intense flame is forming on his hand, growing larger until it is finally fired into an enormous fire blast that ignites the earth below.

Kira looks forward to see Aang on a pillar "the Avatar"

Aang closes his eyes and breathes deeply. Aang performs several spinning kicks, using earthbending to send giant sections of the stone pillar beneath him toward Ozai's ship and jumps to another pillar. The chunks of rock whistle past the side of Ozai's airship, which catches his notice. The last few pieces of rock strike the airship's engine, which causes Ozai to lose balance and stop his attack. 

The ship loses power and begins to descend. Ozai looks down to see Aang. Aang spins his body around, gathering his energy, and unleashes a huge fire blast at Ozai's ship, striking the final blow to its engine, thereby destroying the airship. Aang turns to the side toward the airship and it floats past him, facing Ozai for the first time. Ozai stares at Aang with surprise.

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