Chapter 31

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"What" Kira turns around to face Azula, she had dyed her hair back to black and changed her clothes

"What" Kira turns around to face Azula, she had dyed her hair back to black and changed her clothes

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"Well for one I love the black hair" Azula tells her "and two, get on the airship"

"What would me going with you do?" Kira asks

"It would..." Azula sighs "it would reassure me.. that I'm not alone. After Mai and Ty Lee betrayed us the only friend I have is you ok so.. so get on this airship.. sis"

Kira smiles "ok, let's go capture those trators"

Kira boards the airship and Azula follows in.

"I can't believe I just admited that" Azula mumbles

Kira laughs "get used to it, sis"


At the Western Air Temple bombs were dropped everywhere by the fire nation's airships. While the others are escaping Zuko goes to face them, he stands near the edge of the temple, looking at the airships. A podium-like devise suddenly rises; standing atop it is Azula and Kira.

"What are you doing here?!" Zuko shouts

"You mean it's not obvious yet? I am about to celebrate becoming an only child!" Azula shouts smiling

"Not you!" Zuko shouts then turns to Kira "you!"

"Hm?" Kira tilts her head

"You're my wife" Zuko says "I told you to trust me and you killed Mai!"

Kira shrugs "so what... she wanted something of mine"

Zuko noticed her black eyes "y-your eyes.." he gasps "no wait I did that to you did I.. I hurt you and made your dark side come out. Kira I-"

"Enough talk!" Azula kicks a large blast of flame at her brother.

Zuko dodges and runs backward into the temple, but falls. Several blasts are sent his way as the temple begins to fall apart. He runs toward the airships.

As he jumps toward the ship, he sends several shots toward Azula, but fails to hit her and jumps onto the airship. He falls down into the misty floor below.

Appa flies through to the outside of the temple, covered by a shield of rock in front. Kira tries to bring him down, only for the shield to absorb the blasts. Appa escapes and the shield disintegrates. Behind Kira and Azula, a second airship rises, revealing Zuko survived his fall by getting onto another airship.

Zuko and Azula face off. Zuko makes the first move. He jumps toward Azula, who sends columns of fire at him, which he responds to with more blasts. The two attack each other several times.

Azula and Zuko are evenly matched until they both hit each other with fire-packed punches, launching them both off the airship. Zuko is caught by Katara, but Azula is left falling.

"She's ... not gonna make it ..." Zuko says staring down at her

Kira sees Azula falling and jumps down after her

"Kira no!" Zuko shouts going to jump after her

Katara and Aang grab him "Zuko!"

"Are you crazy!?" Katara shouts

"But..." Zuko looks down sadly "she's my wife"

"Your wife!" Katara and Aang shout

"Yeah I found this out the other day" Sokka says not surprised, he sighs and places his hand on Zuko's shoulder "look I know you love her but right now we're fighting a war to help people and her. She's strong Zuko, look she's fine"

Zuko looks up to see Kira and Azula back on an airship.

Zuko sighs "right.."

"One day she'll see things our way" Aang reassures him "I dont think she's evil.. just lost"

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