Chapter 20

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Aang and Katara are running through the Crystal Catacombs. An intense shot of blue fire attacks them from behind. Aang stops it using earthbending, but the impact forces him backward a few steps. They look at Azula who was the source of the blast, smoke trails from her fingertips.

"Nice shot" Kira says from next to her

 Katara uses waterbending to stop an attack from Kira, then sends a wave crashing toward them, the two vaporizes the water with firebending. The mist from the vaporized water allows Azula to jump onto a crystal and firebend two blasts of blue fire. Together, Aang and Katara use waterbending to stop the blasts. Azula finishes her jump by landing on a rock pillar. 

Aang uses earthbending on the pillar, and Azula gasps once she notices the pillar crumbling. She jumps off and lands between Katara and Aang. She points at both of them, preparing to attack or defend herself.

"Why are you just standing there!" Azula shouts at Kira

"just seems like you're having fun on your own" Kira replies

An orange fire blast lands in the middle of the standoff, and they look to see the source of the fire blast to be Zuko. Zuko looks from Azula and Kira to Katara and Aang, choosing who to attack. When he looks at Azula, she is glaring back at him. He then looks at Aang, who gasps once he realizes Zuko will attack him. 

Zuko firebends at him, and Aang uses airbending to jump away from the blast. Azula smiles at this and starts dueling with Katara, and Zuko furiously throws multiple fire blasts at Aang. 

"why am I here again?" Kira questions herself, she creates a chair with earthbending and sits on it

Azula glances at her and chuckles "same old Kira, only will jump in when needed"

Aang airbends the air currents around him to make a human-shaped gust of air at Zuko, knocking him down. Aang attacks Zuko with more airbending, but Zuko maneuvers around the attacks and gets back up on his feet. He fires more blasts at Aang who is clinging on to a rock pillar. Aang jumps onto a clump of crystals to avoid the attack. 

Furious, Zuko summons a greater blast of fire. Aang earthbends some crystals to protect him, but the crystals shatter, sending Aang flying to another clump of crystals. Zuko uses fire whips to attack Aang once again, but Aang jumps to another patch of crystals and Zuko keeps attacking.

Meanwhile Azula lands on a puddle of water running toward Katara, who sends a sharp wave of water at Azula that very nearly hits her face, but cuts her hair instead, startling her. Zuko still uses his fire whips to attack Aang, who is now jumping along the cave's ceiling. Aang kicks down a stalactite and follows it, using earthbending to increase its impact and sending Zuko flying, bouncing off the ground into a small wall of crystals. 

Katara waterbends at Azula, knocking her down. Azula slowly gets back up into a fighting stance as Katara encases herself in water. One water tentacle captures Azula's hand as she struggles to attack her, and another one captures her foot after another failed attack. Katara then lifts Azula up, who yells in fear. Kira blasts fire at the tentacles, breaking them and freeing Azula.

"Thanks for doing something!" Azula shouts

"Only when needed!" Kira shouts back getting comfortable in her chair

Azula gets up and looks toward the crater Aang had created with the stalactite. Aang crawls out, exhausted. Azula runs toward Aang, Zuko and Katara now fighting. Katara still has water whips on her hands and Zuko starts using his fire whips.

Zuko fires another blast. Azula and Aang stand opposite each other. Azula uses firebending to charge at Aang. Aang earthbends crystals around him into a crystal encased armor and charges at Azula. Azula stops, and uses her firebending to break Aang's crystal armor and send him flying back into an old building.

Zuko and Azula both fight Katara. Hopelessly outnumbered, Katara gets knocked down. Aang jumps from the old building and earth surfs toward Zuko and Azula to stop them from attacking Katara, with a fiercely determined look on his face. However, a Dai Li agent appears and jumps in front of Aang's surf, sending him flying off. 

Aang yells as he falls. More Dai Li agents gather behind Zuko and Azula. Katara starts regaining her focus and Dai Li agents surround her. Katara uses the octopus form to defend herself. Aang stands up in a fighting stance, but his determined face quickly turns into one of despair.

Closing his eyes, he turns away from Azula and Zuko and earthbends a crystal shelter tent. Aang starts meditating. Aang soon enters the Avatar State and the crystal shelter starts glowing, alerting those outside. Inside the shelter, Aang opens his glowing eyes and breaks the crystal above him. Katara looks up to Aang, now rising in to the air, with hope. 

But before Aang can let Katara go and control the Avatar State, a bolt of lightning strikes him in the back. Azula and Zuko turn to look at Kira who was standing up with her fingers pointed and smoking

Kira smirked "oh look I hit him"

As Aang falls down, Katara, tears now falling down her face, creates a wave to catch Aang. The wave knocks down the Dai Li agents and Zuko. She looks down at Aang's lifeless body and back up with tears in her eyes. Zuko and Azula prepare to attack Katara, but a blast of fire stops them. Iroh, the source of the blast, jumps down from the wall of the cave and shields Aang and Katara from Zuko and Azula.

"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!" Iroh shouts and fires some blasts at Zuko, Azula, and Kira.

Katara walks away slowly with Aang's body to a waterfall, and she uses waterbending to lift herself and Aang's body up its path. Iroh holds off the Dai Li agents, taking blows of earthbending, until after Aang and Katara leave. He submits to the Dai Li, who use earthbending to encase him in crystals. Azula is triumphantly smirking next to Zuko, both looking at Iroh. Iroh is looking back at Zuko, then closes his eyes and turns away. 

Kira walked over to Zuko and placed her hand on his shoulder "I knew you'd come around"


In the Earth King's throne room Kira is sitting down on the throne with Azula at her right and Zuko at her left.

Azula smirks "We've done it. It's taken a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has conquered Ba Sing Se"

"I betrayed Uncle" Zuko says sadly

"No, he betrayed you" Azula looks at him "Zuko, when you return home, Father will welcome you as a war hero"

"But I don't have the Avatar. What if Father doesn't restore my honor?" Zuko asks

"He doesn't need to" Kira speaks up "Today, you restored your own honor"

Zuko looks away, uncertain "if you say so"

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