Chapter 32

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Flashback, one day before the Day of Black Sun.

Servants help Zuko get dressed on his way to the meeting. Once done, they stay behind and bow to him as he walks on. Zuko enters the room to see Ozai at the head of the table, Azula sat on his left, their was an empty spot on his right, next to Kira.

"Welcome, Prince Zuko. We waited for you" Ozai says, Zuko walks up to his father. He bows to Ozai and sits down next to him and Kira, Ozai turns to once of the generals "General Shinu, your report"

"Thank you, sir" he stands up and walks up to the opposite side of Ozai across the table "Ba Sing Se is still under our control. However, earthbender rebellions have prevented us from achieving total victory in the Earth Kingdom"

"What is your recommendation?" Ozai questions

"Our army is spread too thin, but once the eclipse is over and the invasion defeated, we should transfer more domestic forces into the Earth Kingdom" Shinu replies

"Hmm. Prince Zuko, you've been among the Earth Kingdom commoners. Do you think that adding more troops will stop these rebellions?" Ozai turns to him

"The people of the Earth Kingdom are proud and strong. They can endure anything, as long as they have hope" Zuko replies

"Yes, you're right. We need to destroy their hope" Ozai says

"Well, that's not exactly what I-"

"Exactly" Kira smiles "we should do what fire benders do best, burn it"

Azula smirks "that's right, take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground"

"Yes... Yes you're right, Azula, Kira" Ozai stands up and walks to the world map "Sozin's Comet is almost upon us, and on that day, it will endow us with the strength and power of a hundred suns. No bender will stand a chance against us"

"When the comet last came Fire Lord Sozin used it to wipe out the Air Nomads" Kira says

"Yes and now, I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom... permanently" Ozai walks to the center "From our airships, we will rain fire over their lands, a fire that will destroy everything; and out of the ashes, a new world will be born, a world in which all the lands are Fire Nation and I am the supreme ruler of everything!"

War generals applaud. 

"Kira what's with you"

Kira looked up at Azula, her and Azula are traveling in a palanquin to a ship.

"You're always spacing out" Azula crosses her arms

"I'm just thinking" Kira fixes her dress

Ozai walks out of his palanquin and up the stairs. Azula and Kira run behind him and get on one knee to bow.

"Sorry we're late, father. Good palanquin bearers are so hard to come by these days" Azula says "So, is everything ready for our departure?

Ozai is facing the ship "There has been a change of plans, girls"

"What?" Azula asks worriedly

"I've decided to lead the fleet of airships to Ba Sing Se alone  with Kira. Azula you will remain here in the Fire Nation" Ozai explains

Kira looked surprised

"You... you can't treat me like this!" Azula stands up "You can't treat me like Zuko!"

"Azula, silence yourself" Ozai says

"But it was my idea to burn everything to the ground! I deserve to be by your side!" Azula shouts

"Azula!" Ozai shouts and she bows her head "Listen to me. I need you here to watch over the homeland. It's a very important job that I can only entrust to you. Kira is our Avatar, I need her with me. And for your loyalty Azula, I've decided to declare you the new Fire Lord"

"Fire Lord Azula? It does seem appropriate, but what about you?" Azula questions

"Fire Lord Ozai is no more. Just as the world will be reborn in fire, I shall be reborn as the supreme ruler of the world" Three Fire Sages help Ozai put on his new royal garments "From this moment on, I will be known as..." he raises his arms in the air "the Phoenix King"

Servants pull up the phoenix emblem behind Ozai. Soldiers raise the phoenix flags beside the Fire Nation flags. Two more soldiers firebend into the base of the flag pole, causing fire to shoot out at the sides. The crowd bows before their new king.

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon