Chapter 14

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In a Earth Kingdom village, Iroh and Zuko are sitting on straw mats. A cart with masks for sale passes by in front of them. As the cart passes, another pedestrian walks in front of Iroh. 

Iroh holds his hat out to the pedestrian and begins to talk to him "Spare coins for weary travelers?"

The pedestrian tosses a couple of copper pieces into Iroh's hat as Zuko turns to Iroh in anger.

"This is humiliating! We're royalty! These people should be giving us whatever we want" Zuko crossed his arms

"They will if you ask nicely" Iroh says, a peasant woman strolls past "Spare change for a hungry old man?"

She takes a coin from her sleeve and places it in Iroh's hat "Aw, here you go"

"The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile" Iroh says

Zuko slaps his forehead in frustration as the young girl giggles lightly and walks away. As soon as she walks away, a man with dual broadswords on his back wanders up to Iroh and Zuko.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for ... a gold piece?" He pulls the piece from his pocket with a flourish.

Iroh puts the hat down and stands up, swaying lightly as he begins to sing "It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the city, they look so pretty!"

"Come on, we're talking a gold piece here! Let's see some action!" Zuko glances up sharply as the man withdraws his swords "Dance!"

The man begins to slice the ground near Iroh's feet; Iroh hops up and down to "dodge" the attacks while Zuko struggles to control his anger at the man

After a bit he stops slicing and laughs "Ha, ha! Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner! Here ya go!" he tosses the gold coin onto the ground and walks away.

"Such a kind man" Iroh smiles sadly

Zuko looks up angrily and sees the earth from underneath the man walking away shifted causing the man to fall on his face.

"How's it going boys?"

"Where did you get the money to buy that?" Zuko questions

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"Where did you get the money to buy that?" Zuko questions

"who said I bought it" Kira smirked as she sat down

"wait a minute" Zuko grabs her shoulders and stares at her "you're eyes are green"

"oh really?" Kira asks "how weird"

"Well now that Kira's back, let's go eat" Iroh says standing up


As two people are walking down the quiet street, a shadowy figure quickly passes them by on the roof. The Blue Spirit lands in front of the two people and unsheathes his dual dao swords as he jumps at the man carrying two baskets, suspended on a long pole. He swiftly cuts the baskets off in one fluid motion. 

The terrified man cowers back, as the Blue Spirit moves in to collect his prize. He hangs the baskets over his shoulders and heads for the woman, who is carrying a large piece of fruit on her head. The Blue Spirit snatches the fruit off her head and disappears as swiftly as he had come. The man and woman are left in confusion as to what just happened.

The Blue Spirit is makes his way through a forest. The mask of the Blue Spirit is placed in a hollow part at the base of a tree. Zuko peeks around the trunk, he sees Iroh sitting in a cave while Kira sleeps. Iroh looks up when Zuko drops the barrels of food at his feet.

"Where did you get these?" Iroh asks

Zuko angrily walks away "What does it matter where they came from?"

"Mmmm..." Iroh takes a bite out of one of the cupcakes Zuko brought. The jam drips of his chin, he looks down in delight "mmmm!"


Zuko sits next to the campfire as Iroh walks into the cave to inspect a new tea set.

"Looks like you did some serious shopping" Iroh picks up a big, gold-colored teapot "But where did you get the money?"

"Do you like your new teapot?" Zuko asks as he sits down next to Kira's sleeping form

"To be honest with you" Iroh puts the pot down "the best tea tastes delicious whether it comes in a porcelain pot or a tin cup" Iroh walks over to Zuko and squats down beside him "I know we've had some difficult times lately. We've had to struggle just to get by" he places a hand on Zuko's shoulder who closes his eyes as if he was holding something back "But it's nothing to be ashamed of. There is a simple honor in poverty."

"There's no honor for me without the Avatar" Zuko replies before turning his head to look at Kira 

"Zuko... " Iroh sighs "Even if you did capture the Avatar, I'm not so sure it would solve our problems. Not now, and it definitely won't make Kira healthy, the poor girl is sick and the medicine isn't helping"

"Then there is no hope at all" Zuko stands up "I'm going to find better medicine"

Iroh grabs him by the shoulders and sits him down "Zuko! You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength"

Zuko turns to face his uncle, who looks back at him with a sad look upon his face.

Zuko pulls free from Iroh's grasp "Kira needs better medicine" with that being said, Zuko heads out into the forest.


Zuko enters the cave "Uncle... I thought a lot about what you said."

Iroh's sad expression clears up as he hears Zuko talk "You did? Good, good"

"It's helped me realize something. We no longer have anything to gain by traveling together" Zuko says and Iroh's brightened expression quickly disappears again "I need to find my own way, watch over Kira"

Iroh bows his head in sorrow. Zuko looks at his uncle for a moment before grabbing his backpack and walking away.

"Wait!" Iroh follows after Zuko

Iroh reaches outside of the cave and doesn't see Zuko anywhere.

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