Chapter 3

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"Kira wake up!" Zuko shouted as he pounded on her door

"no" she replied for the hundredth time, trying not to laugh

"this isn't funny!" Zuko shouted

"mhm" Kira hummed

"I'm your captain, I demand that you come out here, you've slept long enough!" Zuko shouted

"whatever you say fire dork" Kira laughed and Zuko growled

Kira came out and he glared at her. She bowed mockingly "yes your highness"

"why am I friends with you" Zuko sighed

"you know you love me, I'm your only friend" Kira said sticking her tongue out and Zuko smiled a bit

"where are we?" Kira asked as they walked out onto the deck

"Off the coast of the southwestern Earth Kingdom, this is a harbor that the Fire Nation controls" Zuko answered

"Thanks to the avatar the ship needs to be repaired" Kira said 

"I want the repairs done quickly, I don't want to lose the Avatar's trail" Zuko said and turned to Iroh "do not mention the Avatar to anyone while we're here, we don't want anyone to realize what happened"

"why are you looking at me?" Iroh questioned

"Because Kira knows better" Zuko answered turning around and Kira stuck her tongue out

Zhao walks up to them "It's been a long time, welcome to my harbor, did you hear that I was promoted from captain to commander. Your ship is pretty damaged, what happened."

"We had a collision with an Earth Kingdom ship" Iroh said

"Why don't you come have a drink"  Zhao said sounding unconvinced

"No thank you Commander Zhao, we'd like to leave as soon as our ship is done, I want to get to the springs as soon as possible. We need a break from all this traveling" Kira said

"Now Kira it's rude to reject an offer, we owe Zhao a certain measure of respect" Iroh scolded her "we would be happy to come"

Zuko and Kira exchanged annoyed looks, they both agree to want to leave. Zhao is not to be trusted. Over tea in his tent, Commander Zhao outlines the Fire Nation's plan for conquering the Earth Kingdom. 

"My father's a fool for believing the Earth Kingdom will capitulate quickly" Zuko said bitterly

"The Earth Kingdom has a strong will, they won't give up so easily" Kira said agreeing with Zuko

"I see, how's your search for the Avatar going?" Zhao asked

"So far it's been unsuccessful" Zuko replied

"I didn't expect anything different from a banished prince and his concubine" Zhao said

Kira grabbed Zuko when he lunged at Zhao "No Zuko"

"Make fun of me all you want but never call her that" Zuko growled

"Zuko it's ok" Kira said placing her hand on his shoulder and he backed down a bit, still glaring at Zhao

"That was uncalled for commander" Iroh said annoyed

"We're leaving" Zuko said taking Kira's hand and walking to the entrance of the tent only to be detained by Zhao's guards

One of Zhao's soldiers walks in "Sir, I interrogated the crew and they reported that they had the Avatar, but let him escape"

"now explain how your ship was damaged again" the commander questioned, smiling smugly

Princess Kira (Zuko love story, ATLA)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu