Emily grabbed my hand. “Ali, I can’t lose you again. Please don’t do this.” She begged.

My face softened and I turned to face her. “Maybe it’s for the best… Things have always been hard for us. I don’t want to lose you any less than you don’t want to lose me. Did that make sense? Anyways, I love you, Emily.” I smiled weakly and turned to Hanna and Spencer. “I love all of you… I know that in the past I wasn’t the greatest person and I didn’t really show my love for you guys enough.”

“Alison. We know.” Hanna said.

“No let me finish… I owe it to you all. Sometimes sorry isn’t enough, I was a bitch and I am still a bitch. I just got better at hiding it.” I sighed

“You have changed, Ali. You may not see it but we see it clearly.” Spencer reassured me, sending me a slight smile.

“I need to do this… I’ve put all of you through so much over the years. If I hadn’t had been so mean, none of this would have happened.”

“Alison.” Emily said, looking at me directly in the eyes. I noticed that tears were brimming her eyes but she was trying hard to keep them back. “All that has happened… Things have been rough I know but at the same time… It has been good.”

“How is this good, Em? We’re all sitting here waiting to get shipped off into jail.” I asked.

“Sometimes the good in a bad situation is right next to you. You can go through with your plan but I won’t let you go without me.” She replied, her voice cracking a little. Holbrook entered the room again and looked at us suspiciously.

He cleared his throat. “You’re free to go, for now. You’re on bail but this isn’t over yet. Oh, and Alison. We checked your basement. You wasted my time, Mona wasn’t there.”

My eyes widened. Mona is gone? No, she’s smart she would have hidden right? Unless… Oh god, please no. Unless Aria got to her first. Spencer stood up and started walking to the door. The rest of us followed, I took a quick peek at Holbrook as we left. He looked quite angry, as if he didn’t get his way.

“Alison!” I heard a voice call.

“Jason? What are you doing here?”

“Dad is on a business trip… I came to pick you up.” He replied. I looked at the other girls who were talking to their parents. I caught Emily’s eye and mouthed that I would call her later. She nodded and smiled slightly at me. I returned the smile and followed Jason to his car. “Did you do it?” Jason asked while driving. I stayed quiet not wanting to talk about it with him. He sighed. “I don’t know why I asked. I know you didn’t do it. I just wanted to hear what you would say. I’m not stupid, Alison. I know Mona is alive.”


“Hiding her in our basement isn’t exactly a good idea.”

“When did you find out?”

“2 weeks ago… I didn’t see her today though. Why are you hiding her?”

“I’m trying to protect her, Jason. You know what kind of things go on in this town. Nowhere is safe anymore.”


I hopped onto my bed and Emily sat next to me. Spencer and Hanna sat on the edge of the bed, both fiddling with their fingers. “Do you all understand?” I shouted over the music.

“I get it. But how did you know?” Spencer wondered.

“I figured it out… It was the only way she could get what she wanted.”

Done. (Emison)Where stories live. Discover now