I sighed in anger...what was her problem? It's not like I've been the sweetest guy to her like EVER or anything. Well, I did put a frog in her pudding last year...and kicked her cat earlier on the train...

I'm rolling my eyes now so Hermione can see how completely upset I am with her. She's really hurting my feelings, well maybe not my feelings...but my ego is considerably bruised. 

I completely forgot about the new girl! Wow! There she is...standing in all of her Slytherin glory...I'm sure Hermione is quite vexed about this.

"Oh...hello-" I greeted, noticing her watching us from her bed.

She really did portray the looks of a well-known Slytherin...and well-known idiot...Draco Malfoy...

"Hello," she pepped, sending me a slight smirk.

"Are you the new Slytherin?" I asked quickly, I am quite curious to see as to how she responds to my question. This will determine what house she truly belongs in...I find that questions are a good way to get to know people.

"Yes...sadly...if I am so much a Slytherin then why didn't they even give me a room with a Slytherin roommate? I would much rather be spending my time in a different house..." she huffed, "...and what house are you three in?" she questioned.

Such a Slytherin thing to say. I wondered to myself.

"I'm in Gryffindor," I stated promptly, gently moving my hair out of my eyes. It was my go get em factor, you know? The one that pulls all the ladies...although I haven't pulled many ladies here at Hogwarts...it must be because of my stupid brothers, Fred and George...they've set quite a reputation at this school...a bad one might I add.

"I'm in Gryffindor as well," Hermione said, still crossly spoken, "-that's why I thought I would be getting a...different...roomate."

I glanced at Hermione with a stern glare, then turned to see the girl with a confused look covering her face. I'd say, 'Mione...you can't be so hard on her...she's only new.

"Uh-well-um-I'm in Gryffindor too," Harry flashed a small smile, shyly standing behind us all.

"Well, I would much rather be a Gryffindor than a stupid Slytherin," she mocked, "As much as I've begged...they will not let me switch houses for the life of me."

She released a deep and pinned-up sigh, looking down at her feet.

"That is such a shame," I said, grinning, "But since you are roommates with Hermione here," I wrapped my arm around her jokingly, "-I'm sure we can all be friends."

Hermione pushed my arm off of her shoulder and made a face.

"We can't be friends with a-" she looked at me, disgusted, "-a...a...Slytherin, Ronald."

The girl looked as if she was about to cry...it was quite obvious she didn't want to be here in the first place...why was Hermione acting like this? Honestly woman, it must be the hormones talking right about now. At least, I think that is what hormones are...I don't quite know really...Fred and George said they made girls act all mean...I guess Ginny's full of them!

Eve's pov:

"Oh..." I said, trying not to choke on my tears rising in my throat, "-that's ok...I wouldn't really want to be friends with me, either if I were you."


"Glad you understand..." she turned back around and began loading her clothes back in her bag, "I'm going to ask Professor McGonagall if I can switch dorms...let's go."

SLYTHERIN QUEEN (draco malfoy/ron weasley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now