Chapter 11: Meeting The Family

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( Sorry it took me forever to update had writer's block but I will try better promise. I hope everyone had good new years.)

Sebastian pov

The next morning I waited for Autumn to wake up. " good morning Sebastian" She said when she saw me lying next to her. I brushed her hair out of her face " the master and I are leaving for a while and I need you to behave your self understand me." I leaned in towards her. " I-i understand Sebastian." She said as she sat up. I rubbed my left hand down the side of her right cheek. " I am leaving you in charge of the manor don't let the other three make a mess." She looked at me then down " so am a loud out of the room." she said in a hushed tone.

" Yes, that means you can come out." She smiled a little when I said that."OK, I will keep the house in good shape." she said as she stretched her arms. " good girl. OH, I left some blood for you in the cobber if you want any." I said as I left the room.

The master and I left around 8 am for the train. I knew Autumn would do as I told her to so I had no worries. " Sebastian when we get to the school I want you to go talk to the families of the children that have been killed," Ciel said as he looked out the window. " Yes my lord, I will do that," I said as I handed him a cup of tea. The train ride was three hours long when we finely arrived master was complaining that his back was hurting from sitting too long and that the upholstery was not up to date.

" I thought being a demon meant no pain. But look at me now my back is killing me." Ciel bitched. I laughed a little at what had made him believe just because his a demon he would not feel pain. I said to my self in my head. " Master, what made you believe just because you are a demon you could not feel pain?"I asked in a smart ass tone. " Don' t be a smart ass, Sebastian. I all ways see you fight and you come back like nothing happened that why I thought that." I chuckled at his response. " if you will forgive me master but you have yet to have a soul so that why you still feel human pain" I said to him.

Master and I split up when we got to the school. He stayed at the school and I went to the families to ask if they thought something was off the day their children were killed. As I came to the first house I notice there was broken glass everywhere like someone just thrown out of a window. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. a woman with long brown hire and hazel eyes opened the door. " yes can I help you." She said in a sad voice. " Yes am Sebastian and my master and I are investigating the murder off the children at the school. I just have a few questions I need to ask I will be quick." The woman let me in and she answered all off my questions.

I want to a few more houses and after I was done I head back to my master.

Ciel pov ( finely it's his turn lol. oh and thank LoveDeLee for the idea)

I was walking around the school to see if there was anything out of place or that should not be here. As I was walking around I saw a fat man with a white T-shirt that looked like he got it out of the trash and blue jeans that had holes in them. He was watching the kids on the playground. So I began to go outside to ask him what did he think he was doing but be for I could I was knocked out.

I woke up in a small room with tools on the table and I could hear a voice in the other room. " I told you that man that took the stone new what we were doing now we have to use his brat as bait for him to come." I heard one of the voices say. "Yes, I know dear I messed up. When he gets here we tell him to leave us alone or we kill his baster of a brat master." The other one replayed.

I tied getting out of the ropes they had me in but for some reason, they burned every time I moved. "FUCK!" I scream when I felt my skin start to burn. " It would not burn if you did not move you little baster," a woman said with short black hair that made her look crazy and black eye that where cold. She was wearing a green shirt that had holes in it with dirt stains and read pants that made her look fat. I smiled at her. " Wow, you're calling me baster brat. You should really go look in a mirror."

She got an angry look on her face. " Who do you think you're talking to. You damn hellspawn" She said as she began to walk closer. " I never heard that one before come up with it your self," I said sarcastically. Then I felt something hit me and I fell to the ground. " Don't ever speak to my wife like that again." I looked up and I saw the fat man that was at the school. " Why are you two killing children and what do want from my butler?" I said as I looked up at them both.

"Your butler and you have something we want and if we get it we will stop killing the school children." The woman said as she bent down and got in my face. Her breath was horrible. It smelled like a cat box. " What do we have that you want?" I said with a smirk. " We want Autumn." The fat man said with a smile on his face.

" So you can only get it up if their kid or girls in there early 20," A voice said out of the shadows. " Sebastian take care of the two now that an order," I said two the voice in the shadows. I knew it was him I bet his been here for at least 10 mints before saying or doing anything dame him. " Yes my lord but my I add I think you getting captured turns you on because it happens a lot." He said as he steps out of the shadows.

"I don't need your input now do as I say, Sebastian." He just looked at me with a smirk ." Yes, master, I understand. Thought I never see you again" Sebastian said to the fat man. I looked at Sebastian wondering how did he know this man. The room became black and Sebastian's eyes became blood-red. " Did you think we would give Autumn back to you so you would stop killing and after you hurt my master I think not," Sebastian said as you heard screaming.

The darkness wants away and you saw blood ever were. " Sebastian untie me" I squirmed around. "yes my lord but stop moving." He said as he untied me." Sebastian, how did you know that fat bastard?"

Sebastian pov

" He was Autumn uncle my lord. I got the stone from him." I picked him up and carried him to the carriage. " So they did all of this just so we would give her back. Will that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of people doing." He said as I put him in the carriage. " Yes but you have to say it was a weird way of meeting them too." I had a smirk on my face.

" Shut up Sebastian. Let stay in town for a few weeks to see how thing go at the school I don't want the queen on my back about this and I want to make sure it over." He said as he looked out the window. You could see that he was healing but slowly and it made me wonder why does he still acts like a human if he is not what made him do this? " Yes my lord, we should stay."

That night at the hotel the master and I want over Autumn family history to see how they had all the weapons and things to trap demons in. It took all most half the night but we discovered that Autumn's fathers said of the family were demon hunters. " That how the new how to contain me," Ciel said as he took a sip of tea. " Yes my lord and it also explains how they control Autumn so long too and why she hates demons so much and plus seeing her demon mother killed by a northern demon too." I looked at the master.

"Yes, it dose. It seems we need to be more safe having her it seems like they need her for something. Sebastian finds out all you can from her that and order." he said as he took a bit out of cake. " It would be my pleasure, my lord." I got a smirk on my face thinking of all the things I could do to Autumn to make her talk. This was to be fun for me. " I think her father is going to be looking for her next. Even some demons want her. She must have something they want." Ciel said as he took another bit of cake. I smiled at him " You right my lord has to be something."

( OK chapter 11 is done sorry it took so long with work and have writer's block and updating everything on my cell phone makes it hard but I do it for the fans. But as soon as I get my computer I will update more if I can.)

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