Chapter Three :Secrets

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(Okay chapter three is going to reveal a little bit more about Autumn and why she is here.)

Autumn POV

I left my room at 730 so I would be on time. I got to the kitchen around 740 and looked around to get my self familiar with the kitchen so that way I did not mess things up." Your here early" A voice from behind said. I turned around to see it was Sebastian. " Oh good morning Sebastian I was just looking around. If that OK?" He looked at me for a moment. " That fine Autumn. I do have one thing to ask you if that OK with you?" He said as he began to make tea. UM...Yes, it fine. What is it?"

He looked at me and then back to making the tea. " You don't have any Secrets do you, Autumn, oh and can you grab a plate from the cupboard ?" He asked. I grab a plate and hand it to him. " No Sebastian I don't have any secrets." My heart started to beat faster as I lied I began to think if he finds out am a half-demon he will kill me. " OK good we don't need anyone who keeps secrets from us here." He said as he made some toast with caviar on it and a side of hot cereal. " I understand Sebastian. What would you like me to do today?"

Clean around the house while the master and I are gone. Have it clean be for we get back and keep an eye out for the other three and their clumsy habits." He said to me and walked away. I got to cleaning right away and keep thinking what if he knows? What will he do if he finds out? I have to shake this feeling he does not know anything. " HI AM FINNY!" A loud happy voice from behind said. I jumped in the air. "OH my did I scare you sorry," he said as he knocked a giant vase the size of a queen-size bed if you lay it on its side and must of weight as much of a car.

I closed my eyes. I was afraid it was going to break. " Few that was close." He said as he grabbed it. "Be more careful it's my ass if you guys do anything stupid and am Autumn." I was holding my chest from be scared that he would break that vase. " Nice to meet you and am sorry." He said. " It OK please go outside and do something." He looked at me and gave me a giant smile " OK I LOVE TO GO OUTSIDE" he said as he left.

I was walking past the kitchen and I heard a loud crash and I ran in right away. I saw a girl with red hire and glass. " OH, my Sebastian going to be mad at me and he might push me." She said as her face got red and her nose Begin to bleed. " Hi am Autumn what happens here." She looked up at me and stared at me. " OH your the new girl I am May-Ran and I fell and broke some plates," she said as I helped her up. " I think it would be best if you just would go fold some clothes." She looked at me and smiled " OK will do" She said and ran off.

I told Baldroy to cook dinner outside on the fire grill I told him to make sure he did it nice and slow until the ham was a golden brown and not to overdo. To MayRans and Finny surprised he did not burn it. After everything was done it was 8 pm and the Master and Sebastian still were not home so I made a small plate with roasted honey ham on it with kick flavored cherry potato on the said for Ciel in the fridge. I put a note on the kitchen door so Sebastian would know I put it there. I want to my room and laid on the bed. I thought to my self even tho Sebastian is a full demon am surprised he does not need sleep with these three workings here I thought to my self and past out.

Sebastian Pov

The master and I left the manor around 930 am. " Master where are we going today may I ask?" He looks at me. "We are going to Sapphire lake. The queen wants me to check it out be for they turn it into a park," he said as he put his hand under his chin. "Master why would she want us to check out the lake just for them to turn it into a park." He sighed. " must you know everything, Sebastian. There has been some disappearance and the queen wants us to fix's it be for they make the park. he said as he closed his eyes.

" I understand my lord." I look out the window and keep thinking about Autumn. Why did she lie? She must know am a demon and know that she is a half-demon. I have to get this thought out of my head my young master needs me. "SEBASTIAN !" my master screamed. Sorry master I was lost in thought. We get out of the carriage and started to walk around.

We heard a girl like crying coming from the left said of us. Ciel wants to go walk towards the girl. I put my hand in front of him " Master she not what she seems." The girl turned around and you saw cut marks on her face. She laughs and said, " come play with me." Than vanished. " Master seems were dealing with a spirit." Ciel looked at me and then back to were the girl was. " Do you know how to get rid of it Sebastian.?" He asked me. "Yes my lord I do" He then took off his eye patch and said, " Sebastian get rid of it and put that thing out of its misery that an order."

I got on one knee " as you wish my lord" we walked around for a grave of some shorts I need it so I could burn the girl's body but we could not find it. "Sebastian, what are we doing looking for her remains?" He said giving me a sharp look. " We need to burn her body to put her spirit to rest. You order me to take care so I am." He looked away " very well then." He said and stop out of know were.

"My lord are you OK?" He was staring into the distance. " Yes am fine." He said and pointed at something. It was the little girl. She was standing on a dirt pill with a stick made into a Cross " You have come to play with me." She said with a smile. "Yes, we have." My master said to her with a fake smile on his face she ran up and hugged him. I want to her grave and dug up her body and she turned around.

" What are you doing?" She said to me with tears falling from her face. " Putting you to rest." I let a match dropped it on her body and she vanished. " Come, Sebastian, where done her." my master said as he walked away. I followed behind him. "Yes my lord as you wish. We got back to the manor and it was about 8 40 pm " Master do wish me to make you something to eat?'

"Yes but after I wish to retire it been a long day." Yes my lord." I go to the kitchen and I see a note on the door I took it down and read it. " Sebastian I did not know what time you and the master would get home so I made him a plat and put in the fridge I hop that OK? From Autumn." I heat the young lords food up and after he ate he retire. I want and looked in the Autumn room. I wanted to know why she was lying and I want to know all her secrets. I was going to find out one way or another.

( That is the end of chapter three I hope you guys like it. Am going to be talking about my story on YouTube so anyone comment I will give a shot out on it my YouTube name is MAD HATTER :) so tell me what you think and if you have any question ask I will answer them) 

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