73. Our Love Story!

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She says in between her sobs. Sanskaar sits besides her and consoles her.

Sanskaar ; rula diya na bechari ko....

He says hugging her.

Sujata : yes beta... you can see her tears but not mine...

( Remember Baghban 🤣 )

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( Remember Baghban 🤣 )

Ram ; okay enough... sujata just stop it now. Shomi ji, Ma ji.. please just stop now. It’s getting bigger....

RagSan looks at him baffled. After a moment of silence everyone burst out laughing except RagSan and PariSh.

Adarsh : what’s going on??

Ram : actually yesterday when you guys ( parish ) were talking about them ( ragsan ) sujata heard you and she decided to play this drama...

Sanskaar : what the hell mom??? Are you serious??

Sujata ( holds his ear ) : acha ji?? You both can do drama for so many days... and i can’t even do for one day...

Sanskaar : means all that non sense you spoke??

Sujata ; don’t worry, it was all non sense only. I’ll never say no for Ragini... I have loved her and wanted her in this house from the first time I met her.. so relax haan,.........

She slaps lightly on his cheek and moves to ragini who was looking at everyone angrily with a cute pout face, eyes filled with tears and nose, red like a cherry. Sujata wipes her tears and hugs her.

Sujata : you also didn’t said anything? See Kaki Sa, your Laado has become expert in hiding  things now....

Ragini nods no, wiping her tears. Dadi comes to her.

Dadi : I agree Sujata Ji. It’s been two days still she didn’t told me anything baaki duniya bhar ki baatein kar li par main baat nahi ki....

Ragini : Dadi Ma,... I’m sorry....

She tilts her head, holding ears. Sanskaar intervenes.

Sanskaar : Dadi ma, Mom.. it’s not Ragini’s mistake. We were not talking to each other because of some misunderstandings that’s why. Please don’t say anything to her.

Rp : bhaisaab mahra chora toh abhi se joru ka ghulaam ho gaya.....

He shares a chuckle with Dp. Sanskaar gives a stern glare at him making him stop.

Sujata : ji... this is not called being joru ka gulaam... this is love... which you never showed.

Rp : arre suji... if I didn’t loved you then from where did Sanskaar and Uttara came??

Sujata turns red hearing this.

Uttara : dad.. stop it please. Ewww.......

Sanskaar : mom dad, please stay at the topic.
Mom, you have no problem with me and ragini, right?

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