Chapter48- A Happy Anniversary

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Also 3 Years Later
(Same timeline)
(Making it clear Siddharth is Rohit. Siddharth is no longer Siddharth. He's Rohit)

Sid POV i.e. Rohit POV
Adnaan: ROHIT! GET UP!
Rohit: (checking the time- 6:45am) but why? What's today?!
Ashi: Oh wow! May no one in this entire universe get a boyfriend like him! Today is Anohit's 2 year anniversary!
Rohit: who the fuck is Anohit!?
(Ashi just face-palms as Adnaan just stands there shocked at his hopelessness)
Adnaan: Ananya+Rohit=Anohit! It's your fricking ship name! And it's your FUCKING 2 year Anniversary!
Rohit: (rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes as he gets up) oh it is?
Ashi: yes! And you have to do something special for her!
Rohit: chill! I am myself special!
Ashi: I don't think she wants a garbage bag like you for her anniversary!
Rohit: shut up! Least I don't smell landfill itself like you do!
Ashi: (making a dramatic gasping sound) mind your language!
Adnaan: y'know you guys don't actually have to fight... to be honest, both of you smell the same. Human.
Rohit: You're right! We arn't the problem here! You are!
Adnaan: (where did I came from?)
Rohit: you are the one who smells like all the greenhouse gasses mixed up!
Ashi: yes and not just that you also smell like my grandmothers dry skins!
Rohit: and you smell like the uncleared bathrooms in the roadsides!
Ashi: and besides I have standards not to talk to floors like you!
Adnaan: (confused and very offended) um... I'll take that as a complement?

Hasnain: (making sausages) Good morning Sleepy slob!
Rohit: Good morning idiot. What's for breakfast?
Hasnain: Sausages, Scrambled egg and toast.
Rohit: Sounds good!
(Everyone settled around the table as Hasnain and Faiz serve the food and then sit down themselves as everyone started to eat)
Shadan: Happy 2 year anniversary by the way!
Rohit: (little annoyed) thanks!
Ashi: (snickering) I think break up hone vala hai!
Rohit: shut up. that's not true!
Adnaan: then what's all the stress about bro?!
Riyaz: (joining them) There's this new trend going around.
(Everyone sounding a bit more interested)
Rohit: Fitness modeling.
Ashi: and?
Rohit: We're thinking about a collaboration with another company.
Hasnain: so? That's great! What's the fuss then? Is no one looking forward to collaborating?
Rohit: We have millions of offers, just... they're not of our standards!
Ashi: what the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Raghav: he means to say that they're much smaller modeling companies which are offering collabs... so we can't exactly tell how efficient they might be in acting.
Ashi: oh!! But... we have to choose someone right? What are your options?
Faiz: We have LOADS of options! (Setting a born forward with chits in it which fills the entire bowl)
Rohit: but why?! They're all smaller companies! And besides they jut want a popularity boost by collaborating with out company!
Faiz: so! What does it matter that they get a bit more popularity! After all, at the end of the day, we'll get the profits right!
Rohit: (thinking hard at the suggestion) true. But-
Adnaan: But nothing! We're collaborating with one of them! It's going to make finding actresses SO much more easier!
Raghav: It's true Sid! And besides loads of fitness based companies are willing to have us commercialize for them and finding fitness models who are also willing to get into the acting scheme can't be that easy these days!
Ashi: We should totally take the chance! It's going to be very good for the company!
Rohit: Fine! We'll give it a shot!
Adnaan: Who're we picking to collaborate with?
Ashi: were letting fate pick!
(Putting the bowl with chits in front to Rohit)
Ashi: In each of these chits is a different company's name. You can choose who you wanna collaborate with!
Rohit: ugh. I hope we don't regret this!
(Picking a chit out)
Ashi: (unfolding it and reading it) Zayn Enterprises.
Hasnain: great! I'll give them their good news. Let's see what they can offer.
Faiz: I'll show you their portfolio.
Ashi: and I'll just watch TV.
Riyaz and Raghav: I'm gonna go join her.
Rohit: (shaking his head) kids.

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