CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering

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Listen to Littlest Things by Lily Allen

Chapter 3

The day flew by like a blur, next thing I knew I was seated back in Morgan's car. Unfortunately today was my bonding time with my brother (my moms idea) which is why we came to school together instead of my usual ride with Jay. I could tell he was secretly annoyed cause I could drive myself but I chose not too.

"I didn't see you at lunch today, where were you?" I asked turning and eyeing him skeptically.

He mumbled about me being a stalker. " meeting." he replied looking anywhere other than my eyes.

He was also a terrible liar.

"Newsflash moron, all the guys were in the cafeteria," I squinted at him suspiciously. "What have you been up to these days?"

He stared ahead into the empty road not answering my question but just shrugged instead.

Bobbing his head to his awful punk rock music that resembled the sound of dishes and pots being clanked against each other.

Most of the larger houses were at the end of town away from the average suburbs and was surrounded by forests filled with pine and mahogany which I loved to explore to clear my head and think.

Fumbling with the key and switching off the engine I realized we were parked in front of the house."I'm waiting," I said to him expectantly drumming my fingers against the dashboard.

Part of the role of a younger sister was to always pry in my brothers life.

"Fine you nosey brat. remember Todd right? Anyway, I stayed at his house a couple of nights in the city during the summer, and there was this girl that I met at a party and we kind of had a thing going-" he gazed out to the distance.

"Damn, she had the best body and not to mention her boo-"

So typical of a boy just to look at the physical appearance of a girl and not the personality.

I slapped him upside the head, "Back to the point pervert."

Rubbing the back of his head, "Right, anyway, I really liked her even though she was a one night stand kinda thing so we tried to stay in touch through video chats and calls but then we lost contact and forgot about each other...which is why I used Abbie as a sort of rebound. But just this morning I found out she moved into town with her family and transferred to our school. So I kinda-sorta followed her around," he grinned sheepishly.

Slapping him upside the head again just for my amusement. "More like stalked her, you are just beyond weird, are we even related?" I giggled running out of the car and into the house.

Throwing my bag onto the stairs, I strolled to the kitchen to feed the monstrosity of my stomach.

"Hola Franny!" I twirled her around by the hand giggling while she whacked me on the butt with the dishcloth giving me an amused look.

"The usual please," smiling at her politely and jumping on the counter.

"Just in time Mija," said the old Latina lady who I practically considered family with her friendly smile. She had been around ever since I was a toddler and was like a second mom to me since my parents were hardly ever around. I would ask for her advice on anything and everything.

"Mom and dad home yet?" I asked while munching on my afghan cookies and slurping my mango smoothie which I had a strange addiction to since I could remember.

"Mija, they won't be home until next Friday. Lots of court cases came up this week," I couldn't help but feel saddened with this as this had been reduced to their second home.

"Thanks," I muttered retreating to my room after washing up my things.

"Shay, did you hear about the new family moving in next door, just giving you a heads up."

"No one's lived there in years, why now?" I asked curiously poking my head back in the kitchen.

Shrugging, she turned back to continue with dinner. Wow, I must be spacing out a lot lately to not notice that, but I also remembered that our house's fence was unbelievably high which was why no one could see how extravagant the houses in this area were and gave more privacy.

Pushing open my double doors, I laid down on my queen sized bed which was overstuffed with cushions of all shapes and sizes.

I smiled as I looked up at my ceiling, every corner of my room was covered in paintings and frames, you wouldn't be able to spot anything plain in sight.

Glancing towards the window I saw the tree that I had covered and splattered in paint, my tree.

It had also been very important to someone close to me and I had cherished it ever since. I even convinced my parents not to cut it down as it was worth that much and... helped me sneak out at night. But one thing that did annoy the hell out me was the room that was opposite mine. Which architect in their right mind would make a room looking directly into the others?

The houses were far apart but the only thing was that the trees thick branches were sturdy enough for the person to climb into my room which was never going to happen since no way in hell was I gonna let anybody's stinky ass feet step on my beloved tree. Luckily the curtain was closed in the other room so I assumed it was a spare room.

Not really interested in the new neighbours, I decided to finish my homework. Yes. I do enjoy my school work. I could hear shuffling and laughter in the other house but chose to ignore it.

After studying for a few hours I decided to take a well deserved bubble bath. Taking off my clothes and dressed in my undergarments, just about to go into the bathroom I remembered my bath salts.

Grabbing it off the shelf, I decided to close the window since it was getting chilly giving me goosebumps against my bare skin oblivious that I had company. While trying to close the window my bra strap got caught on the window sill.

I was so used to being alone up here that it totally slipped my mind that we had new neighbours when I heard voices in the other room.

Oh mother of donkeys!

Pulling and twisting at my bra strap just seemed to make it more tangled. No! my boobs are too young too be seen in public, why must windows be so damn cruel?

And too top it off I was wearing my Victoria secret bra. A girl needs to feel sexy on her first day of school. Never in my life did I think anyone would see me in it. That day had come.

At least my undies weren't too bad, wait what?

Pull yourself together Shay Taylor, you body is too good to be looked at.

When I leaned my body out the window to untie the knot, the curtains of the opposite room was ripped open. Thanks to the tree in the middle they weren't given that much of a clear view of my body.

Crap was all my mind could come up with.

Standing before me was the last person I wanted to see which was that son of a gun Marcus from school. He was also on the football team with Morgan and who I also had a messed up past with and standing beside him was Ryder freaking Haynes with his annoyingly attractive smirk plastered on his perfectly structured face raking my body from top to bottom.

There was no turning back from this embarrassment now.


Thanks for choosing to read the Risk to Love! Btw, Langston Town is totally made up and from my imagination. But I bet you already knew that, okay soz for disrupting you. Continue my loves.

Emma x

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