CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets

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Listen to Issues by Julia Michaels

Chapter 20

"I can't find anything! I might as well not go," I whined flopping on the bed grabbing a handful of skittles from the bedside drawer trying to calm my nerves. "Girl. You have enough in your wardrobe to clothe all the girls in school," Jay crawled out from under a pile.

"I'm sure we'll find something.....decent," she looked up with hope in her eyes holding up a paint stained blouse that I'd forgotten to put in the wash.

"I mean, that's what you get when you tell him to, and I quote "surprise me!" She held up two fingers making gestures rolling her eyes dramatically.

Jay made a point. Technically it was my fault but, I mean, the guy could still have the courtesy of letting me know what the hell we were doing or where we were going for that matter!

"I've got to get going because apparently your bestie forgot to pick up a few things for tomorrow," she clicked her phone off sighing. The bestie she was referring to was obviously none other than Abbie.

"But I still don't have anything to wear!" I whined crawling towards her and wrapping my arms around her legs so she wouldn't be able to leave.

"I bet he won't even notice if you have a paper bag over your head," she huffed out taking huge lunging steps dragging me across the floor while I continued fake crying. This carried on till we reached the edge of the carpeted stairs. Before she caved in slapping her forehead in frustration.

"Okay. If I help pick out an amazing outfit, will you promise to help me out at the dance tomorrow?" She looked down at me with her 'pretty please' expression.

Ew. No thanks. Unlike Jay I usually left before it even started so I could come back home and binge watch random series on Netflix. Laying my forehead on the wooden floor I laid out how significant this could be both our favors.

"Punch bowl duty, I assume?" I asked even though I already knew the answer letting go of her calfs rolling onto my back. Staring up at the ceiling allowing myself to loath in regret.

Passing her a fake wide smile as she smiled and jumped in victory knowing she'd won. Blowing me kisses she walked quickly down the steps before poking her head back up. "We were just short of hands otherwise I wouldn't have had to negotiate. Love you too!" She laughed when I poked my tongue out at her. "And I picked your outfit hours ago. Try wearing some makeup this time Shayreece!" She yelled before I heard the door close behind her.

"Did I just hear makeup?" Franny stepped out of my parents room with the duster in her hands looking around quickly like she'd been summoned before her eyes landed on me. Still on the floor.

Sweet mother of mercy. I had completely forgotten the sharp hearing this lady possessed.

"You need some help Miha?" She offered already racing towards her room to get her kit and brushes. This sentence made me pick myself up in seconds reassuring her that I wasn't intending on wearing any. It took alot of persuasion before she she finally retreated back in defeat. If you told Franny anything that involved makeup she'd assume that you wanted a complete makeover. Let's just say that she got a little creative with the eyeshadow...and eyeliner...and blush. Basically you'd come out looking like Rainbow the Clown. Although, it was Morgan's entire fault for turning this into her obsession by getting her these huge makeup sets with a variety of colours for her birthday and Christmas presents every year which she always anticipated. I mean, who in the there right mind gets a 55 year old lady, makeup? Morgan. Morgan did. Just so he'd have the amusement of watching her experiment on me.

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