CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement

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Listen to Now or Never by Halsey

Chapter 23

Here I was sitting in a large oak chair with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk placed infront of me wondering what I did to deserve this form of incoherent torture.

My definition of the current torture: Being inspected by Mrs Haynes. Ryder's living grandmother and sole inheritor of the mansion.

Apparently, the stories were true. But the home was previously known as the Haynesworth Manor. I'd read about them so many times in the local library but it never hit me that the Haynes were The Haynesworth Family!

And the plot thickens my Nancy Drew self was shook and still trying to process the new information.

"You have a beautiful home," I complimented while she sat opposite me her eyes drawn to slits.

"Hmph," she scoffed with extra annoyance like she was rejecting the compliment.

Well, I don't regret what I said about her. Not one bit.

"So tell me Sofie-"

"It's Shay, actually-" I interrupted as politely as I could.

Ignoring my remark she continued not bothering to correct herself. "You must be a Taylor, am I correct?"

Her chin perked up. The old tempo of a male Oprah singer blaring through an antique microphone thingy.

I was a vintage girl when it came to music but not something I'd enjoy listening to at night. In a creepy old mansion. Filled with candles. With a lady who looked like she just stepped out of her coffin. Yup. Definitely not.

I sat up straighter in my seat, "Yes, I believe we are both founding families." I poignantly munched on a cookie to break the tension.

She pursed her lips and nodded slowly like she was determining to agree with what I just told her.

"If you don't mind me asking, where would your husband be?" I couldn't help but prob further.

Taking a large long slurp of her tea she set it down shakily.

"He's very ill, part of the reason why we moved back to this inferior town." She picked her cup again looking to the distance while Ian just gave me more apologetic glances everytime he caught my eye.

Nuh-uh. No way was I forgiving him for blindsiding and getting me on bad terms with his grandmother.

"He's resting upstairs, not at his death bed yet... like you're family hoped,I'm afraid," her eyes lingered like she was expecting me to protest.

Although, I didn't have a clue as to what she was on about.

"I don't family?" I asked her confused at what she was implying.

Was she purposefully trying to start a fight?

"You wanna go wrinkly granny? LETS DO THIS RIGHT NOW. RIGHT HERE," I imagined myself standing up abruptly and pulling off my shoes to whack her face silly till she apologized.

But like the scaredy cat that I was I just sat there in awkward silence allowing the different scenarios of what I couldn't actually do unfold before me as I waited for her to answer the question.

"Hmph," she scoffed again her eyes lit with fury standing up and walking out of the dining hall in her monotone attire.

So much for an answer to the question.

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