Shoot your shot.

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"if anything happens to her dinah, i..."

"hey, hey nothing is going to happen. you did the right thing by calling me." dinah reached over, and gently rubbed camilas thigh reassuringly. the two sat in dinah's police car, as they were making their way to lauren's motel room. "i've got back up on the way, we're going to make it through this walz, i promise." the taller girl told her, turning the corner.

camila slowly pulled the gun out of her jacket pocket and presented it to the police officer. "i stole this from her..." camila confessed.

dinah glanced over and her eyes widened. "cabello what the hell are you doing with that thing!"

"i took it from lauren. so that way i'm prepared. i don't think lauren would be mentally stable to be able to shoot her ex. and if it comes down to it... i'll do it for her."

"yo, first, you're admitting to thieving, and second, you're planning to shoot him? buddy... do you know who you're talking to?" she gestured to the car, and lastly to her badge on her chest once again. "and honey, leave it to the professionals."

"she's my girlfriend! so i'm going to protect her."

"so you think by stealing that weapon, and leaving her defenceless is a smart way of protecting her?" dinah sighed.


"i uh... i didn't think this through." the waitress said in defeat.

after a few minutes of silence, camila started to get squirmy in her seat. she was getting impatient and she knew they were getting close but that didn't stop the panic that was flooding through her. at the moment, it was so quiet, dinah's voice scared her and caused her to flinch.

"so... your girlfriend huh?" the police officer wiggled her brows suggestively, a smirk playing across her lips.

camila shrunk down i'm her seat and shyly shrugged her shoulders. "that slipped out. i mean, she's not my girlfriend but i'm pretty sure that's the direction it's heading in. you know what i mean?"

"oh, sure i do. before i got together with normani, i was the same. we actually didn't establish what we were until like... days later." dinah chuckled. "i accidentally introduced her to ally as my girlfriend, and that's how we kinda agreed on things. by a slip up like you just did! but now we're both happy so it worked out exactly how we wanted it to."

camila nodded with a smile. "that's adorable. maybe after all this, we can double date! i hope i can have what you two have. a love so pure that there are no mistakes."

"well all couples fight, camila. mani and i aren't the perfect couple, we have our disagreements, hell, we fought yesterday over what we were going to order for dinner! so we're not perfect, our love isn't pure. however, our connection remains strong because we both communicate and work at the relationship. that's why we have a strong thing going on." smiling proudly, dinah hummed thoughtfully. "i know. i'm very wise. you can give me my gold sticker later." she joked cockily.

without responding, camila tensed in her seat, and dinah knew why. they pulled into the parking lot of the motel and as the car slowed down, camila opened the door and she stumbled out.

"walz i didn't even stop yet!"

but she didn't care. she carried the gun in her left hand - which by the way; she had no idea how to use it properly so she would be the one to accidentally shoot herself in a situation like this.

running across the lot, she saw dinah struggling to find parking; which makes no sense because she's a cop so she should be able to just pull over and deal with the situation first but noooo . dinah had to do shit the correct way.

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