Splintered: Captured

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No warnings!!! Just a whole lot of Wolf Born magic! :)


Echo was furious, and really Amisty should have seen this coming.


"Absolutely not, Amisty," Echo said, golden eyes flashing. "Do you realize how dangerous this is? How foolish?"

"Where was this concern when I bonded to a normal wizard in the first place!" Amisty shot back. "I was fifteen! Surely you thought we'd—"

"You don't see the way you look at each other," Elijah said from the side, entirely unhelpful as he inspected his cuticles. "Something like this hadn't been on the top of our priorities."

"Then move it up," Amisty said.

He looked at her, raised an eyebrow, and went back to his nails.

"You are incredibly weak right now," Echo continued like Elijah hadn't spoken, which admittedly wasn't a bad idea. "Life Bonds are traditionally done between two Wolves, which Draco is not."

"Thank you, mother," Amisty said dryly, "for the astounding observation. I never would have put two and two together."

If looks could kill, Amisty would be on the floor.

"You do not understand how our magic works," Echo said with remarkable control despite the anger tightening her expression. "Breaking your Life Bond at this point in time is beyond reckless!"

"When has that ever stopped me before?" Amisty said.

Elijah made a noise that sounded almost in her favor.

"If you break it," Echo said, now with far more frustrating leaking into her vowels and hardening her consonants, "all the excess magic will affect you directly, Amisty. You will be the one enduring the after effects, and you are not strong enough to handle it!

"I'm stronger than you think I am."

"You're being stubborn—"

"I'm trying to—"

"You don't understand the consequences of—"

"Merlin, Mum, you're acting like—"

Fuming, Echo threw her hands up and yelled, "You could die!"


Amisty's words were louder than she'd intended. Sharper, too. Piercing through Echo's and leaving painful reminders in their wake. Echo stared mouth agape, at her daughter, something akin to betrayal flitting about in her eyes.

"That," Echo said, tight and strained, "is not fair."


"You were supposed to live longer than me, Amisty," Echo said with aching sincerity, her brow furrowing. She glanced away, muscles pulled taut around her eyes and mouth. "This is too dangerous to risk."

"That's not your decision to make," Amisty said, jutting up her chin as her mother went to argue. "No, Mum, I know you're trying to protect me, but I want to do this. I have to do this."

Echo was wilting, Amisty could see it. Careful steps, now, lest they dissolve into fighting again and she lost her chance.


Tears were brimming in Echo's eyes but she didn't let them fall. "He's done nothing for you, Amisty. He isn't worth this wager, this sacrifice."

Suddenly, they're having a very different conversation.

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