Amisty's Antidote: Year 5

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"Oh, hello, Healer River," Augustus Pye, the Healer in training, teased as Amisty followed Mrs. Weasley to Mr. Weasley's bed. "Do you have any new ideas for us all to try?"

Amisty grinned, pulling out her now filled notebook, "I think I've figured something out."

"I'll go get Hippocrates," Augustus replied. "Mind if we take a look at your notes?"

"Nope," Amisty handed it to him, taking a seat beside Mrs. Weasley.

"Healer Smethwyck is very impressed with you, you know," Mr. Weasley smiled. "He thinks you're going to be a brilliant Healer one day."

Amisty blushed, "I'll believe it if this works."

The doors to the Dai Llewellyn Ward opened to reveal Healer Smethwyck skimming through the last few pages of Amisty's book, his eyes wide as a smile slowly spread across his face.

"Miss River, this is amazing!" He praised, looking up at her through his spectacles. "We should be able to get Mr. Weasley out of the hospital by the end of the day!"

Amisty stood up, "Really?"

"Yes!" He read through the notes again, murmuring under his breath. "Yarrow and goldenrod... creating an antivenom... adjusting the dose and ingredients of the Blood Replenishing Potion... Augustus, go to the lab and tell them about this breakthrough. They'll need to separate the venom strands from the original few blood sample then start to brew the potion. Don't forget the new ingredients."

"Yes, sir," Augustus nodded, scribbling down a few notes on his clipboard before hurrying out the doors again, his lime green robes billowing out behind him.

"Did you hear that?" Mrs. Weasley was beaming and she squeezed Amisty's arm. "By the end of the day!"

"Where did you ever get these ideas, Miss River?" Healer Smethwyck asked, handing back her notebook. "You're so young to know so much about healing and medicine."

"The Healer at Hogwarts, Madame Pomfrey, has been teaching me," Amisty replied sheepishly. "I spent quite a lot of time there my first year at school, actually, and I learned a bit."

"'Learned a bit'?" He exclaimed disbelievingly.

"Well... after a few years I picked up a lot of things and how to do a lot of Healing magic," She shrugged, giving an awkward laugh. "I helped with the Triwizard Tournament after the tasks."

The Healer chuckled, shaking his head, "You have the makings of an incredibly talented Healer, Miss River, I hope you're planning on going into it as a career?"

"I'm planning on it," She admitted. "Not entirely sure what field, but I really just want to help people."

Amisty couldn't stop smiling.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Her theory worked. They watched after Mr. Weasley drank the modified potion and the bites in his side slowly healed and faded into faint, silver scars.

Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley took her back to Grimmauld Place after all the Healers had taken their notes and samples of the potion. When they walked into the house, the rest of the Weasleys were walking down the steps. Ginny was the first to realize.

"Dad!" Ginny gasped, leaping down the rest of the way and pulling her father into a hug.

Amisty stepped to the side, grinning.

"Looks like everything worked perfectly," Hermione joined her, nudging her with her elbow.

"Oh, I hope so," Amisty replied.

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