Darkness in Diagon Alley: Year 6/Summer

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Even though Mrs. Weasley tried her hardest to make Harry's birthday party bright, it was hard to compete with the steady stream of disappearances, accidents, and deaths flooding the Prophet. Even Bill and Mr. Weasley were bringing home news before the paper even got hold of the stories.

On the night of Harry's birthday, Lupin returned to the Burrow with even more streaks of grey in his hair and patches on his clothes.

"There have been another couple of dementor attacks," He sighed, accepting the slice of cake Mrs. Weasley offered him. "And they've found Igor Karkaroff's body in a shack up north. The Dark Mark had been set over it - well, frankly, I'm surprised he stayed alive for even a year after deserting the Death Eaters; Sirius's brother, Regulus, only managed a few days as far as I can remember."

"Yes, well," Mrs. Weasley frowned, "perhaps we should talk about something diff - "

"Did you hear about Florean Fortescue, Remus?" Bill asked, smiling at Fleur as she poured wine in his glass. "The man who ran - "

" - the ice-cream place in Diagon Alley? He used to give me free ice creams. What's happened to him?" Harry asked.

"Dragged off, by the look of his place," Bill replied.

"Why?" Ron piped up.

"Who knows?" Bill shrugged, ignoring his mother's pointed glare. "He must've upset them somehow. He was a good man, Florean."

"Talking of Diagon Alley," Mr. Weasley rubbed his eyes, pushing his glasses up over the bridge of his nose, "looks like Ollivander's gone too."

"The wandmaker?" Ginny sat up.

"That's the one," Mr. Weasley nodded, frowning. "Shop's empty. No sign of a struggle. No one knows whether he left voluntarily or was kidnapped."

"But wands - what'll people do for wands?" Ginny asked.

"They'll make do with other makers," Lupin replied. "But Ollivander was the best, and if the other side has got him it's not so good for us."

Amisty pushed away her half-eaten slice of cake, having lost her appetite at the news. Mrs. Weasley's frown deepened and she tutted disapprovingly, and a few minutes later the conversation quickly shifted to new topics.

»»————- ♡ -————««

The day after their Hogwarts letters and booklists arrived, and the news that Harry had been made Quidditch Captain of the Gryffindor team.

"That gives you equal status with prefects!" Hermione exclaimed after she hugged him. "You can use our special bathroom now and everything!"

"Wow, I remember when Charlie wore one of these," Ron grinned as he examined the badge. "Harry, this is so cool, you're my Captain - if you let me back on the team, I suppose, ha ha. . ."

"Congratulations!" Amisty beamed, throwing her arms around his neck. "You deserve it by far!"

"We've gotta figure out a way to sneak you in," Harry murmured in an undertone, throwing cautious looks at a now very suspicious looking Hermione.

Amisty snorted, "It's a bathroom, Harry, I'm not missing much."

"Well, I don't suppose we can put off a trip to Diagon Alley much longer now you've got these," Mrs. Weasley sighed softly as she scanned Ron's discarded booklist. "We'll go on Saturday as long as your father doesn't have to go into work again. I'm not going there without him."

"Mum, d'you honestly think You-Know-Who's going to be hiding behind a bookshelf in Flourish and Blotts?" Ron asked, snickering.

"Fortescue and Ollivander went on holiday, did they?" Mrs. Weasley snapped as if a switch were flipped. "If you think security's a laughing matter you can stay behind and I'll get your things myself - "

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