Chapter 42

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That evening, more people from the Kingdom showed up, followed by Oceanside the next day. I was overwhelmed meeting all these new people from the other communities I had only heard about. Even though they all lived in different places, when they got together, it was like they were a family. I was in awe that everyone had immediately returned our call and come to help. It was in moments like this where I saw hope for a future. I just prayed that it wasn't taken away from us soon.

I met Ezekiel from the Kingdom when he arrived at Alexandria. I was skeptical at first after Jerry introduced him to me as King Ezekiel, but I quickly realized that he was such a great guy and really funny. I liked him immediately. We needed optimistic people like him in this world.

Since everyone was now here in Alexandria, the leaders from each community would be meeting in our Townhall to discuss what our next move was.   

I didn't know if I was supposed to go to the meeting or not, and Daryl was out with Rick, so I couldn't ask him. I was still new to Alexandria compared to everyone else so I felt a little awkward. Did I belong at that meeting?

I sat on my porch until it was time to meet and then got up, but didn't leave. These people from all the different communities knew each other and had been through so much together. Did I go?

Just as I was contemplating, Carol walked by my house on the way to the Townhall.

"Honey, you coming?"

"Uh, yah, I guess," I said awkwardly, my voice still hoarse. "I just didn't know if I should go. You guys all know each other..." I trailed off.

Carol smiled at me and walked over. "Sloane, you have done just as much for this place as anyone else. You deserve to be there."

I smiled at her and nodded my head. Carol and I walked to the meeting together. Siddiq had said to rest, and I had been all day, but walking to another building wasn't like it was labour intensive, so I decided it was fine.

When we got to the Townhall, Daryl noticed me and glared at me. He walked over. 

"Sloane, ye should be resting."

"Daryl, I'm fine," I said. Before he could argue, Carol spoke up.

"You'd be doing the exact same thing and you know it," Carol said and patted him on the shoulder. He sighed. There was no winning here.

Rick came over. "I'm glad you're here Sloane," he said as he smiled at me. I smiled back, happy that I was wanted here at this meeting with all the leaders of the communities.

Everyone quieted down as Rick started to speak.

"So we're here to decide what our next move is. We don't know where the group is located, all we know is that they're coming for us soon," he said as he looked around the room.

"I think all we can do is be prepared for when they come. It could be any day now," Carol said.

I nodded. We needed to ensure Alexandria was as safe as possible and that we were ready for anything.

"We need builders to check our walls for any weak areas. We need to set up lookouts around the clock on all sides of the walls, and we need to gather all our supplies," Rick listed off.

A couple people stepped forward who had experience building and volunteered.

"Me too," a familiar voice said. I turned to see Alden step forward. He shot me a glance and a smile. I smiled politely and then turned back right away.

"Okay, good," Rick said. People stepped forward now for lookouts and Rick made up a schedule. A few people were going to go around and gather all the supplies we had. This made me feel a little better; we had a plan now. Daryl was going to go around with Rick to make sure we had all the supplies we needed. I wanted to help, but I was a little restricted with only one good arm. 

Everyone broke off and instead of going over to talk to Daryl, I walked over to Michonne who was talking to Rosita, hoping to have better luck with them.

"Hey, what can I do to help?" I asked. 

Michonne looked at my shoulder in a sling and then back up at me skeptically. I was sure having a puffy, cut lip and a bruise on my cheek and neck wasn't helping my case. It really wasn't as bad as it looked. 

"Come on," I said. "I want to contribute."

Michonne and Rosita looked at each other.

"I'm going to go help Rick, Daryl and Carol gather guns," Michonne said, and made it seem like it was too much for me. I hated being injured, especially at a time like this.

"Come on watch with me," Rosita offered.

"Thank you," I told her, relieved.

Michonne walked over to Daryl, Rick and Carol and I turned to leave with Rosita. Before I could leave the Townhall, someone put their hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I turned around and saw Alden.

"Hey," he smiled at me.

I was a little taken back. "Oh, hey Alden."

"It's good to see you," he said. "I didn't get to say goodbye to you at the Hilltop."

"Oh yah. I'm really sorry about that. We had to leave so fast."

He smiled. "No worries. I wish it were under better circumstances, but I'm glad to see you now."

I smiled back politely and shot a quick glance over to where Daryl was talking to the group. I caught him watching me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, you coming?" Rosita yelled over to me and smirked at me.

I was happy for the excuse to leave. I looked at Alden. "I have watch duty," I said.

"I'll see you around?" he asked.

I nodded my head and left, walking fast over to Rosita even though my back still bothered me, but I tried to ignore the pain. It wasn't as bad as it was yesterday.

"Looks like someone has their eyes on you," Rosita teased.

"Alden?" I asked. "Uh, no. I'm not interested. I mean he's nice, but no."

Rosita laughed. "Is it because of Daryl?"

"What?" I asked immediately.

"Oh come on. Anyone can see how he acts so differently around you. He's... nice to you."

I laughed and didn't say anything.

"Alright, don't tell me," she said.

We were silent for a moment as she continued to smile, and then I gave in.

"Fine," I gave in. Rosita was one of my closest friends here. Even though she didn't seem to like me at first, we've become close ever since she gave me the shooting lesson.

"I knew it," she smiled mischievously.

"Whatever," I shoved her with my good hand.

"You're lucky you're injured, or I'd shove you right back," she said.

We got to our post and climbed up to the lookout. It took me a little longer than her to get up there since I was only working with one arm and a bruised back.

Rosita handed me a gun and then we stayed low, concealing ourselves as we watched the forest for any signs of movement. 

The worst part was not knowing. They could come this instant, or days from now. We had to be ready for anything. 

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