Chapter 6

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It was getting later in the day, and as I walked back into my house, I saw the food on the kitchen counter and remembered just how hungry I was as my stomach growled. I went over and inspected the food Sherry had given me. It all looked so good, so I just decided on a can of chicken noodle soup, and I opened a box of crackers to have with it.

After not having a good meal like this for weeks, I devoured my supper, finally feeling satisfied. I looked around at the clean house and then down at my clothes that were so dirty. I felt out of place. I was beyond excited to get in the shower and put on some clean clothes. 

Before I did that and turned in for the night, I decided to do something else first. I walked out the front door and looked around. Rick and Daryl were nowheres in sight. There was a campfire a ways down in front of one of the houses with some people around it, eating together. They obviously were all close. I hoped I would feel like that soon here. I suddenly saw Rick and Michonne by the campfire, so I took off towards them.

"Hey," I greeted them as I got closer and Rick and Michonne spotted me.

They smiled back.

"How are you liking it here so far?" Rick asked me.

I smiled at him and Michonne. "Honestly..." I trailed off shaking my head, and laughed as I looked around. "It still seems too good to be true. It's amazing here." I looked back at them.

"Good," Rick said. "I'm glad."

"I just wanted to find you before I turned in for the night." I looked at Rick. "I wanted to thank you again for taking me in. Both of you. I'm so grateful and I really want to do my part here. I was just wondering if there's anything that needs help with tomorrow?" I asked them.

Rick thought for a moment. "I'm not really sure right now, but why don't you find me tomorrow morning sometime after Michonne and I have thought about it. I'll think of something for you to do by then," he said to me.

"Great," I said. "Thanks... again," I said and laughed as I gave them a small wave and started to turn back towards my house since I couldn't see Daryl anywheres to thank. I'd have to do it next time I saw him.

"Of course," Rick said, both of them smiling at me.

I walked back to my house and closed the door, suddenly realizing how exhausted I was. Being out there on my own for so long, I was constantly on the move. I always had to watch my back, meaning that I rarely got the rest I needed. It was hard to sleep at night because that was when it was most dangerous and I had to be on high alert. Maybe I could actually get a full night of sleep tonight.

I walked upstairs into my bedroom and grabbed my towel and clean clothes to put on for the night. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light... I still couldn't believe that there was electricity here. I turned on the shower and sighed in delight when I felt the water start to get warm on my hand. I hadn't had a warm shower in years.

I looked into the mirror at my reflection. I didn't recognize the girl looking back at me. My face was dirty and my hair greasy. I took off my disgusting clothes that had blood all over them and stepped into the hot shower. I let the warm water fall down my face, down my hair, down my body. I looked down to see that my feet were surrounded by a dark puddle of water. I was so dirty I was turning the water brown. I started laughing. I couldn't believe just this morning I was picking through leftover food in a convenience store, living on my own, and now I was in a hot shower.

I stayed in for a lot longer than I probably should have, but I didn't care; it felt so good. Sherry had also given me a small container of soap. I scrubbed down my body for much longer than needed, loving the feeling of finally being clean. I washed my hair, and then turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. 

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