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Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead or any of its characters.

Hey everyone! This is my first time writing a fanfiction, but I love the walking dead, so I hope you all like my story! There's a lot of stories out there that follow along the show closely, so I thought I'd make my story different. It starts at the beginning of season 9, after the whole Negan thing was dealt with. It starts there... but it's a whole new story that doesn't follow the plot line. One big change that I make though... Glenn is still alive! I know, I know, it's different. I just love Glenn so much! Negan still killed people, just not Glenn.

I hope that people comment and please let me know your thoughts and what in particular you are enjoying or if there is anything you would like to see! I want to learn from your comments and get better. Also, I will be updating regularly.

So please read, comment, vote, and above all, enjoy:)


UPDATE (September 2022): I started this story at the beginning of the pandemic. My University had just closed down (the whole world seemed to have closed down), I had finished the term of school, and my summer job was cancelled. So I was at home, spending most days doing a little school work for an online course I was taking, but not doing much else. With my extra time, I started to write and share my first story, and All of Us began. The story is starting to take off and grow lots, which makes me SOO happy!! This story began in June 2020, and now, September 2022, I am going to go through each chapter and edit/update them. I hope you enjoy, and thank you for all the support :)

While you read this story, I would love it if you comment and let me know what you like and what you would like to see more of to help me with editing the story!! 🫶🏽

All of Us (The Walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now