Chapter 41

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Daryl helped me walk to my house and up to my room. I slowly laid down on the bed, wincing in pain. I didn't want to lay down because I knew it would hurt my back, so Daryl helped prop me up against the headboard with a bunch of soft pillows around me and behind me.

I eyed Daryl. He was sitting down on the edge of my bed, chewing on the side of his cheek as he stared at the floor. I could tell he was upset. And I knew why.

"Daryl, I'm okay," I said quietly.

He scoffed. "Ya almost died," he said shortly.

"We found Rosita, everyone is safe, and we know information about their group now. Everything worked out."

"But it ain't over," he said sharply.

"I know," I sighed. "But right now we're all okay. That's what matters. And we have help."

Daryl sighed and then looked at me out of the corner of his eye. I gave him a big smile just to try to lighten the mood. It worked, because the corner of his lips tugged up.

He stood up and went to the bathroom and then came back a moment later holding a damp cloth.

He sat down beside me. "Here," he said softly as he raised the cloth to my cheek. He gently dabbed at the cut from when the man slapped me. Daryl's eyes stayed on my cheek as he slowly wiped away the blood. When he was done, he lowered the cloth and then looked at me. We were so close to each other now, our faces were inches away.

"Thank you, Daryl," I whispered. If it hadn't been for him, that man would have killed me, and then maybe killed Rosita. He saved my life, and he was still here for me now.

"Ye don't have to thank me," he said.

"I want to," I smiled lightly, and then leaned in to kiss him. Normally, I was scared that Daryl would reject me or push me away, but I wasn't scared now. All I knew is that I wanted to be close to him. Daryl made this world better.

When my lips pressed against his, warmth spread through my body. He kissed me back gently, as if I was delicate, as if he treasured me. It was unlike any of our other kisses that turned heated fast. It was tender, and I loved it.

Daryl brought his hand up and placed it gently on the side of my neck. It was light, but it still hurt my tender neck. I didn't care though; it was worth the pain. Daryl must have sensed it when I flinched slightly, so he pulled back. He looked at my neck, and then leaned in and placed a feather light kiss where the man had had his hands around my neck. I leaned my head to the side as he placed another soft kiss there. He looked back up at me and then placed one last kiss on my lips just as I heard the front door of the house open.

I sighed, wishing that our time wasn't interrupted, but I knew Siddiq needed to check me out to make sure everything was okay. I heard footsteps up the stairs and then a knock on my bedroom door.

"Sloane?" I heard Siddiq say.

"Come in," I tried to say back loudly, but my voice went horse and he couldn't hear it.

Daryl got up and walked over to the door to let him in as I tried to clear my throat. 

"Hi," I tried to say but my voice came out all scratchy.

Siddiq frowned and came over, Daryl following behind him.

"How's Aaron?" Daryl asked. 

"He's going to be fine," Siddiq said. I was relieved. "Now let's take a look at you," he said as he looked close at my neck, feeling around with his fingers. I winced as he put pressure on some of the more tender spots.

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