"What's the issue?" Eddie asked, arriving with Stone to where Cameron and Chris were.

"I'm having trouble with Chris' cameo... something's missing"

"What's the idea?" Stone asked this time.

"Chris is going to appear in this scene near Bridget and Matt in the entrance of the building but I planned it as if he was just another neighbour walking out holding hands with his girlfriend and then she'll just drag him by the hand out of the frame" Cameron explained.

"That sounds cool and funny... so where's the actress?" Stone said.

"That's the problem... I don't have an extra actress for the part" Cameron said.

"Oh, hey! Over here!" Chris said, lifting his hand and waving at Susan, who just arrived to set to visit them.

"You know her?" Cameron asked.

"It's Susan, my wife" Chris said and Cameron's eyes bright like the sun.

"There is! She's gonna do the cameo with you!" He answered smiling but Eddie and Stone looked like saying <How do we tell him?>.

"She's not gonna accept, Cam" Chris said.

"W-Why not? Is just a tiny part and... it's your wife"

"Susan is very reserved in that aspect"

When Susan arrived, Cameron tried to convinced her, but she politely declined.

"Why don't you try with Lily? She's here every day and she's Chris' best friend and a dear friend of mine so... I don't see it wrong" Susan suggested as Chris and Stone nodded by this new idea.

"She already rejected two cameos, I don't think she's gonna accept" Cameron said, a little bit disappointed.

"Two cameos?" Chris asked.

"Yes... well, more like one cameo and the female lead role"

"What?" All of them said at unison as they were shocked but also chuckling.

"Little fucking Lily... she never told us" Stone said this time, laughing a little.

"Well, I was aware of the lead role thing" Eddie added, a little bit shy.

"Well that's because she's your girlfriend" Chris said this time.

"Chris..." Susan said in a form a discreet scold, as our closest friends were the only ones that knew about Eddie and I.

"Sorry" Chris said, looking at the floor.

"It's alright, I won't say anything... you can trust me" Cameron said this time.

"Anyway... now we only have to convinced her" Eddie added.

"Tell her we're gonna invited her pizza, beer and Eddie's exclusive kisses and she'll accept" Stone said, making everyone laugh.

"You can always try a career as a comedian, fucking idiot" I said, appearing behind stone and laughing a little as the rest laughed too.

"Well but if it's unapproachable Lily" Stone told me this time as I rolled my eyes and he just put an arm around me.

"So... we need to talk to you" Susan started.

"Oh boooy... What did you do now?" I asked, looking at them.

They explained me the whole cameo thing with Chris and they almost beg me to appear on it; I ended up accepting only because Susan asked me the favour and because I knew Eddie wouldn't mind. As Cameron knew that this stressed me a little because everyone was going to watch, he decided to film it in two days and not that very same day.

The day of the cameo I showed him the outfit I had in mind, which consisted in a black dress over a striped tee, my hair down as I usual wear it and my Dr. Martens, while Chris appeared with an all-black ensemble.

Cameron explained us what we had to do, and even made a tiny rehearsal with both of us.

"Ready?" Chris asked me.

"Ready" I said as smiling.

We interlocked our fingers and went to our place, as we were waiting for our mark to make our intervention in the scene; the music started and we left our places to start walking holding hands, until we were next Bridget and Matt, looking at the loud noisy car we had in front of us and nodding in a way of approval for the sound, until the windows broke and we all acted with a little bit of surprise, so Chris and I looked at each other and I dragged him still holding hands, and disappearing from the scene.

Cameron said "cut" and announced he would use that take because it was perfect and very genuine. He congratulated us and I returned for my camera, as my duty wasn't complete yet. In early April I stopped going to the set as I was going to start the mini tour in the country, and we started with some gigs in larger venues all over Washington, but before leaving, I gave Cameron the photographs so he could use them as he pleased.

"I'm gonna miss you" Eddie said, as we were hugging each other.

"I'll miss you too... but now you have to focus on that record..." I said to him, because they started with that in March and one of the first songs they recorded was Black as I needed to record the piano and the Hammond organ before leaving.

"Which reminds me... There's a song I wrote specifically for you in the album" He said, smiling and surprising me.

"Really? But... The songs I've heard-" I said, with a confusing expression.

"No, this hasn't been recorded yet but I wrote the lyrics while watching you surfing in February"

"That's what you were doing in the shore?" I asked, very thrilled.

"Yeah... and the music was born that time I told you I was left outside the rehearsal and started to rain?"

"Yes... I remember"

"Well, I'm gonna send it to you when it's done" He said smiling.

"Thank you, Eddie" I smiled and kissed him. "Stone told me you finally changed the name to Pearl Jam"

"Yeah, they would never use the name of Mookie Blaylock" He said, a little bit disappointed.

"Well, maybe you can use something about him to name the album"

"I think it's going to be the same issue... they're not gonna let us use his name for the record"

"Not his name, brilliant..." I said laughing a little. "Something related to him... like... Why don't you use the Ten? That's his number" I said and Eddie's eyes were wide open.

"I swear you're a genius, that's why I'm so crazy about you!" He said happily and kissing me, making me laugh a little.

We hugged for a few minutes and Eddie told me he was going to share with the guys, my idea of using Ten as the album title, and then we left my bedroom. I said goodbye to everyone and went to the airport with Tom, Zack and Adrien, while the guys were going to film the Hunger Strike music video next day.

After this funny experience filming and playing some gigs, I didn't have idea that everything would blow up in my face before I could imagine, but I had to be ready for it.

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