Chapter 59: More the Merrier

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"No, didn't see him wearing one, but Hivemind seemed to calm him down after his little outburst trying to kill his Vessel." Paralysis said lowering his hand to his side as Olympus rolled his eyes well he seemed like he rolled his eyes.

"Did he do the tearing out of someone's mouth trick?" Olympus said seeing Dream and Paralysis nod their heads "knew it~"

"Mitosis who?" Sapnap questioned, now becoming confused about what was going on.

"Oh yeah about that, Skeppy got a latcher and his name is Mitosis, just be warned Mitosis is a little mean so whatever you do don't try and tick Mitosis off any further." Dream said as he looked at Sapnap, "while you were out Skeppy was attacked by his latcher so he ran here with Bad, but Hivemind somehow calmed Mitosis down, we think everythings settle down but im not too sure....we still have cults to deal with."

"Right...calling a meeting i guess." Sapnap said and he got up off the couch as the little enderdragon stole his spot. Sapnap looked back at the dragon and he shook his head slightly before laughing.

"I guess." Dream said and he waved his hand getting Sapnap, Olympus, and Paralysis to follow him so he could host a meeting with the group.


A meeting was called which got the group to all meet up in one area surrounding a table, the group spoke Tommy began to act strange as he started going quiet. The group noticed as Tommy covered his mouth and nose with his hand as he looked terrified as blood ran from between his fingers.

Techno watched but he looked away tasting blood in his mouth, Techno felt his lips as his fingers got tipped with blood, Techno yelled as he slammed his fist onto the table as his jaws began to hurt as blood spilled out of his mouth.

Tommy pulled his hand away as blood poured from his nose and mouth as fear was in his eyes as he saw the Latchers all smiling as Bad stumbled back away from the table as Skeppy looked panicked to see his friend getting latched onto.

"No stop Please." Skeppy begged whatever Latcher took hold of Bad, "He's innocent let him go!"

"Join Us~" the latchers spoke in unison as the group looked at them as several people collapsed to the floor. The group looked at the people that fell which were Fundy, Tommy, Bad, and Techno.

Fundy was bleeding from his mouth and eyes as his eyes were wide with terror as Sapnap and George tried to help him, Tommy was hacking and coughing up blood as Tubbo couldn't help, nobody could, Bad covered his face from being viewed as blood dribbled out of his mouth as he started to cry out in pain, Techno groaned in pain as his hoglins nuzzled at him trying to comfort him but it wasn't working as his eyes glossed over with red.

Wilbur backed away in fear as he became terrified with what was happening to his friends, seeing them all bleed and cough up blood as they were being latched onto, these latchers where violent creatures when they clung onto a vessel, Wilbur need to get away, he couldn't bare seeing his friends fall victim to the latchers grasp as there was no escaping it now.

Wilbur ran off as Tubbo yelled for him but Wilbur only ignored it and ran, he ran for his life. The man ran down the paths away from the group as he begun to hear voices in his head "Join us, Join us Wilbur, Join us, Become a vessel, Join us.." over and over again in his head as it played on repeat, these voices hissed and snarled for him as they continued to tell him to join.

Heavy footsteps struck a bridge as Wilbur ran across one as a raging river flowed violently beneath it, the man ran far from the sanctuary, he needed to clear his head, he needed to forget the horror, he.....


The wooden planks of the bridge broke beneath Wilbur's feet as he slammed his arms and hands onto the others wood planks dangling himself above the violent river tore through the land. Wilbur tried pulling himself up onto the rest of the bridge but he heard footsteps drawing near in front of him.

"No, No, No, Please! Help me, I'll do anything!" Wilbur said with closed eyes before looking up to see Blue smiling down at him, Wilbur's heart sank deep into his chest as he stared up at the withering woman with withering angels standing behind her.

"This just makes my job a bit more easier...One down, 13 to go~" Blue hummed stomping down on Wilbur's arm with her boot getting the man to recoil one of his arms as he desperately held onto the wooden planks as the planks began to tilt down and slip away, "By sweetie~" Blue said and vanished into thin air as the withering angels followed after as dark smoke swayed in the air.

"NO!" Wilbur barked as the wooden plank broke away, Wilbur tried grabbing another but it slipped from his grasp as Wilbur's eyes shot open widely as he fell to his soon death into the raging river below as sharp rocks judded out of the river. He was only human, not living this one as time slowed down to Wilbur but the man fell into the river as it consumed him like a ravage animal as bits of blood could be seen flowing in the water.

"Join Us Wilbur~"

Paralyzedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن