Chapter 3: Initiation

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(Y/n POV)

I was currently 'asleep', by that I mean I was awake mentally but not physically. I was currently laying down debating whether or not to actually get up, until some hyperactive chick started to sing.

Girl: *sing song* "It's morning, It's morning."

I groaned as this caused me to open my eyes and make me fully awake. I tried to get up when I felt a weight on my body. I looked down to see a sleeping Blake, curled up against me like a cat.

I laid down but this caused Blake to stir awake. Her sleepy golden orbs met my crimson ones as I spoke.

Y/n: *smugly* "Am I that comfy?"

She quickly grew a deep blush on her face and stammered to get up as I just chuckled. I got up myself up and made my way to the locker room.

~Small Timeskip~

After a relaxing shower, some food and getting my gear together, I made my way towards the lockers to grab my weapon. Once I made it towards my locker, I grabbed my weapon and inspected it. It was full on ammo, dust and the blade was sharpened. I looked at the gun parts of sheath and realized not only was it not optimal but it hasn't been upgraded in years. After this initiation, I'll modify it. I was about to head out until I heard the voice that woke me up. I turned to see her and some ninja looken guy talking, or rather her talking to him and him staying silent.

Girl: "Can you intimate a sloth?"

Guy: "Nora."

Nora: "Yes Ren."

Ren: "I don't think sloths make loud sounds."

Nora: "That's why it's perfect! Nobody will know we're working together."

Y/n: (mind) "She is probably the smartest idiot I'll ever meet."

They continue to walk with each other as I follow them with my gaze until I see them walk past Ruby and Yang. So I decided to walk the other way. As I did a saw a rather famous and nostalgic face, Pyrrah Nikos. I walked over and made myself known.

Y/n: "Pyrrah Nikos, it has been some time."

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

Y/n: * feigns being hurt* "Ow, my self-esteem. *normally* Y/n Brawnwen, we fought at your first tournament that sparked you being who you are today."

Pyrrha: *relations hits* "Oh, you! *hugs me* It has been sometime, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you."

Y/n: *let's go of her* "Eh, don't sweat it. Though I'm surprised you came here instead of Haven."

Pyrrha: "Well I was planning to originally, but Professor Ozpin asked me directly if I would like to join Beacon."

Y/n: "And let me guess, you being the nice person you are, you couldn't turn him down."

Pyrrha bashfully rubs her head and chuckles as I roll my eyes. This was nice and then a certain ice princess came and ruined it.

Weiss: "Hello Miss Nikos, I'm Weiss Shnee, it's nice to meet you."

Pyrrha: "Hello."

Y/n: "How's it going Weiss-cream."

Weiss: *angry* "YOU!"

Y/n: "ME!"

Weiss: "What are you doing?!"

Y/n: "What? Can't a guy catch up with an old friend?" *gestures to Pyrrha*

Pyrrha: "Hello, again."

Weiss then looks back and forth between Pyrrha and I with a confused look on her face.

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