Opening 2

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Begin song

We see Y/n falling through a black abyss. As he is falling, we see several broken mirror shards. The camera pans over to a broken mirror shard with an image of Ruby.

Here and now what I am like
To waste all my time waiting for a sign

The image of Ruby changes to one of her as a kid standing at her mother's grave before it flashes to her as a teen. We then move out and pan over to another mirror, this time with a baby Yang.

I eat and smoke, I've no job, no friends
I never even had a girl

We see a baby Yang being held by Raven before Raven changes into Summer and then showing Yang hugging Ruby after she was dubbed leader of team RWBY. We then pan out to see another mirror, this time with a baby Weiss.

And I throw my tears away, in my own world

We see a young Weiss taking a family picture with her, Winter and her mother not smiling, while Whitly and Jacques are. With the camera flash, the seen changes to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang taking a team picture, all smiling happily. We then pan out to see another mirror, this time a baby Blake.

Look at me know, but just look at me know
Can you see what's left of what I am?

We see a young Blake at a White Fang rally, before it turned into a White Fang  raid. She then looks down in sadness before a hand touches her shoulder to reveal Yang was the one to touch her shoulder with Ruby and Weiss behind her. The raid then fades into Beacon's courtyard as Blake smiles happily.

Giving up the way that led me here
Look at me know, but just look at me know
Now I think it's time for me to

The mirrors then float beside Y/n who is now skydiving downward towards the ground.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, its time to face it

One of the mirrors to his left shatter to reveal Ruby.

Get up, get up, get up, give up my weakness

The other mirror to his left shatters to reveal Yang.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, it's time to care of

One of the mirrors to his right shatters to reveals Blake.

Get up, get up, get up

The other mirror to his right shatters to reveal Weiss.

And I am just a lost man
In this life where I don't belong
I cannot see, I cannot feel anything
I spent so much time to cry, I'm still alive

The five of them then free fall as the ground nears. Before they collide with the ground, Ruby rushes into a flurry of rose petals, Weiss uses her Glyphs to slide down safely, Blake jumps off one of her clones, Yang uses her gauntlets to shoot her fly away as Y/n uses his Armorment to brace his legs and lunged forward, all at the same way.

Ouvre les yeux et retrouve-toi
De quoi t'animer te réinventer

As the five of them are running, team JNPR run up behind them.

Loin des temps perdus, il est temps d'avancer
De cicatriser et de réaliser

Now as the group run, team CVFY follow bind them.

Qu'on a tant de choses à vivre
N'abandonne pas, (looking up a stan try to figure it out)

Suddenly, Raven, Vernal,  Sun, Neptune and multiple Brawnwen tribe members follow behind.

Il reste encore du temps
Tant de rêves à accomplir

Finally, Winter, Penny, Ironwood and many Atlas soldiers, mechs and ships bring up the rear.

Projette-toi, (staying all alone, I am just so tired)
Il reste encore du temps

The camera pans to the direction the army is running towards to reveal and army of various Grimm.

Wake up, wake up, wake up, it's time to face it

Get up, get up, get up, give up my weakness
Wake up, wake up, wake up, it's time to care of
Get up, get up, get up

All of them start tearing their way through the hoard as Grimm parts fly everywhere.

And I am just a lost man
In this life where I don't belong

As Y/n slices a Grimm, he notices and incoming attack from Adam.

I cannot see, I cannot feel anything
I spent so much time to cry

Suddenly, Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Hazel and Tyrian join him.

If I'm alive, why I'm in hell?
I have to try, if I'm alive

Cinder fights Ruby, Mercury fights Yang, Emerald fights Weiss, Blake fights Adam, Raven fights Hazel and Y/n fights Adam.

What if I try,

Y/n is knocked back by Adam as he launches a moonslice at Y/n.

et je m'enfuie,

Before it connects, it is blocked by Neo.

to star to shine, et puis je vie

Now getting a second wind, Y/n powers up unleashing a giant fire tornado.

To walk the line, what if I try

The tornado transforms into a massive Phoenix.

And I am just a lost man
In this life where I don't belong

The Phoenix dives down into Y/n. He starts running back toward Adam, leaving fiery foot prints with each step.

I cannot see, I cannot feel anything
I spent so much time to cry, I'm still alive

Adam rushes forward as well as a dark energy surrounds him.

I'm still alive
I'm still alive

The two clash in an explosion of crimson fire and black slug, revealing the title of the story.

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