Chapter 9: Im Not Dead, Yet

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This next few parts of the story will start sometime during Volume 2 to the end of 3 chronologically, but the overall story will be slightly different. Also it has come to my attention that I made it seem like Y/n got his right arm cut off when in the previous part it said his left arm was cut off. Oops. Just to clarify it was his left arm that his left got cut off not right. That was a brain fart on my end, sorry. Also Y/n's voice is a gruffer due to, well blowing up; not by alot, but noticeable. But with that out of the way, let the story begin.

(Timeskip a few days)
(3rd POV)

As the Vital Festival nears, people began to flock toward Vale, including General Ironwood. He lands down his ship and makes his way towards Ozpins Tower. As he walks into the elevator, a falcon flies in right before the door closes. He is taken aback but does nothing as the falcon just stands next to him. He does note that it seems the Falcon has one metal wing and what he thinks is a robotic eye. When the door opens at the top, Ozpin let's him in as the falcon flies up to perch on something.

He greets Ozpin in a friendly manner and tries to flirt with Glynda, but she quickly shoots him down. The falcon screeches as if it is laughing.

Ironwood: "I didn't know you had a pet."

Opzin: "I don't."

The bird flies down and transform into Y/n with an all new look. He is wearing a skin tight black shirt with red markings on it. Black torn pants and black combat boots. He is wearing two belts, one brown and one white (the white one is slightly loose).  He wears a red coat with black markings over his shirt. But the sleeve for his robotic arm for his shirt and coat are ripped off. He wears his red, now tattered and burnt at the ends, scarf. His black hair is slightly shorter and seems to have a natural spike to it, while most of the back is still somewhat burnt. His left eye has a nasty scar going from his just above his eyebrow down to cheek. His robot eye is glowing red. He cracks his neck before smiling at the adults.

Y/n: "Miss me?"

Suddenly, a bullet wiz past him. Ironwood shot at Y/n, indicated by his smoking Revolver.

Glynda: "James?!"

Ironwood doesn't respond but continues to shoot at Y/n. However he just activates his semblance as the bullets bounce off him without hurting him. Y/n just looks unamused as Ironwood shoots until he is empty.

Y/n: "You done? Cause I need to talk with Oz, thank you."

Ironwood: "What could a criminal like you need to talk to Ozpin about? And is that my Intex I-Drose 570 prototype on your arm?!"

Y/n: "No. It is my arm, thanks for the generous donation. As for what I need to talk to Oz about is quite simple, Salem."

Ironwood looks shocked but quickly composed himself.

Y/n: "Hey Ozzy, I'm back. Don't think you can get rid of me that easily."

Ozpin: "As much as wish I could, your more valuable to me alive."

Y/n: "Oh, harsh. Seem like your on edge. So I'll keep this brief. I managed to take control of the Brawnwen tribe and have the spring maiden in my grasp. Now, how has Jaune been doing?"

Glynda: "Mr. Arc has been greatly improving in his combative capabilities and is slowly gain better control of his semblance, though the ladder is still needs some work."

Y/n: "What seems to be the problem?"

Ozpin: "The trigger. He can't quite activate it on command, but he is getting there."

Y/n: "Alright. I'll leave you to it to see he can get it to activate on command. Once he can, take him to Amber. If my theory is right, he can save her."

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