Chapter 2: I Found a Rose...And It's Family?

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(Y/n POV)

It has been a few weeks since my first encounter with Neo and we've been hanging out whenever she could, because she wants to keep her 'occupation' and us separate, which I can respect. I wanted to hang out today, but she said she'd be busy all day, so I decided to stay in my motel room until...

Y/n: "I'm bored!!!"

I just now realized how bored I was without her. Usually we hang out at night, after her work, but she couldn't today and I'm just itching to do something. Anything!

So I decided to get on my bike and drive around to see if I can find something, or someone, to mess up.

~Small Timeskip~

After driving for a few hours, I only found a few idiots who tried to steal my bike, so I quickly introduced them to the pavement. I was currently leaning on my bike, after beating the aforementioned idiots, when I noticed I was starting to get low on dust and bullets. So I decided to see if I can find a shop that's open late at night. I ended up finding a dust shop called 'Dust Till Dawn', 3/10 pun.

I left my bike outside before going in. I saw a, suprisingly good, variety of dust products. I got what I needed to restock my supply and tried to pay for it, but was stopped by a gun cocking sound behind me.

?: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?"

Shopkeeper: "Please don't hurt me. You can have the money."

?: "Sssshhhh. We don't want the money. Grab the dust."

I saw one of robbers go past me and to the tubes of dust, while another went off to somewhere else in my peripherals. I felt a gun press up against the back of my head.

?-2: "Hand over the dust."

Y/n: "Are you...robbing me?"

?-2: *pushes gun harder* "Yes!"

Y/n: "Hm."

I 'dropped' my dust on the ground and kneeled down to pick it up. When low enough, I spun around and swept his legs. I grabbed his gun as he fell and shot him a couple of times until his aura ran ou. An once more for good measure. I looked up to see a surprised...Roman Torchwick? I recognized him, from my time working with my mother, and I looked at him before speaking.

Y/n: "Roman Candlestick."

Roman: "It's Torchwick."

Y/n: "I know what I said."

?-3: "Eeyah!"

Our conversation was interrupted by the one of the goons flying past us. Taking the opportunity, I backfliped onyo the the wall behind me before focusing my aura into my feet, launching past Roman and outside. Once outside, I landed next to a little girl with a gothic style, red and black dress, black leggings, red and black boots, and a red cloak. She had black hair with red tips, and...silver eyes. Her weapon appeared to be a giant red and black scythe. Honestly, she looks like a mini Summer.

Girl: "Hey! Stay back. They could be dangerous."

I saw more goons come out as I smirked and called my bike. My bike turned on, shocking the goons, before it drove into one of the goons, and next to me. I grabbed my weapon and used my scroll to move it to the alley nearby to avoid getting scratched.

Y/n: *to the girl* "So am I."

Her eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of my weapon. I effortlessly blocked a swing from a goon before knocking slashing him a couple times, knocking him down and out.

Brother of Yang Male reader x Rwby (Slow Updates) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora