*Photos* Reigen × Reader × Dimple

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[A/N]: Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, Sophomore year is starting out a little too strong jsjs

This is a request for @Reign_Luis , hope you enjoy!! 💖💖


Reigen could hear Dimple's snarky laugher along with yours coming from your desk, you seemed to be exchanging secrets almost. You look up at Reigen and his eyes dart away and back to his paperwork, you look back to Dimple.
"Look, on a serious note though, can I tell you something personal..?" Your face flushed slightly
Dimple raised a brow, seeming quite curious, "What's up?"
You lean close to speak in a hushed tone, "Would it be.. Wrong, perchance, to like a con man...???"
A hand spawned from Dimple's figure and he facepalmed, "You're really talking to me about love? And frankly, you have a bad taste."
You scoffed, "Excuse me for experiencing unpredictable emotions.. but yeah maybe, I can't talk to a lot of people about this. It gets to your head if you can't talk about it."
"Why can't you talk to literally anyone else about this??" He no longer seemed interested.
You furrow your brows, "Talking to Mob or Serizawa about love would be just plain excruciating, let's be honest here.."
Dimple gave a look of realization, "Ah, guess you aren't wrong.."
"Do you remember the last time you fell in love, Dimple?"
"Maybe I've been having a few.. Questioning.. Feelings recently..."
"Maybe I can help!"
"Help with what?"
"If you're trying to say you like someone, I wouldn't mind helping."
Dimple's face flushed just enough for you to barely notice, "It's none of your concern, I wouldn't need help if I liked someone anyway."
You giggled slightly, "I don't know, I think you'd need a makeover to impress someone. Reigen isn't the only one that gives good love advice, trust me."
"Good is an overstatement, ALSO WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?"
You raised a brow, "I don't know anyone that would want to date a green blob."
"Don't be so hypocritical, everyone has a type."
You laugh, "I don't know, I don't think anyone's type involves spirits."
"Hey, I was fairly strong back in the day too, some people like strength at least." He grumbled.
Reigen seemed curious, he was eavesdropping throughout half of the conversation, "Wait- Dimple, you actually like someone?"
"I never said that, mind your own damn business.." Dimple spoke in a defensive manner.
"Who do you like, Dimple?~" You poked him in a teasing manner.
He growled, "NO ONE, get it straight!!"
Reigen spoke up, "I don't think you're too sure about that." He joined in with a coy smirk.
Dimple scoffed, "Look, I'm checking in on Shigeo since you both won't stop bugging me..." He disappeared.
"So much for that I guess.." You shrug.
Reigen laughed, "Knowing you, you'll interrogate him later."
"I don't bother him too much though.."
"Enough for you to start sharing secrets?" He deadpans in a manner of suspicion.
"Ah, guess you're right, we hang out a lot." You laugh slightly.
"You know, you are the closest woman to a friend when it comes to him, maybe he likes you. He is still able to develop romantic feelings for people, believe it or not!" Reigen theorizes.
"Doubtful, even though I tell him a lot of stuff about me as well as my personal feelings, doesn't mean he always listens. He reminds me on a regular basis that I'm boring and I'm annoying him."
Reigen scoffed, "That's just Dimple being Dimple, I'm not backing up from the thought."


It was late and you were walking home, Dimple finally decided to pay you a visit, hoping you calmed down on the questions a little, he seemed quiet...
"Everything okay, bud? You're never been this silent.." You seemed a little worried for him.
"What do you like about Reigen?" Dimple asked nonchalantly.
"Oh erm.." You fluster up slightly, "He's quite charming and quick-witted, it's quite admirable..." You fidget with your hands.
"Charming..." He mumbled to himself, "Hm."
After a moment of silence you speak up again, "You're quite charming when you want to be." You smile embracingly.
He blushed and furrowed his brows, "What brought that up..??"
"Felt like you needed to hear it!" You look back at the sidewalk, "If you need to talk to me then let me know, you can tell me anything and I'll listen, I care for you and your problems, Dimple. You need a social connection to keep moving sometimes, remember I'm always here."
A confound expression shown on his face, he stayed silent.
"Do you want to stay over and talk? we can pull an all-nighter or something." You offered.
It took him a moment to think it over before he responded, "Actually, you have work tomorrow. I watch over Shigeo on the daily, he would wonder where I'd be if I weren't there."
"Ah, that's fine I guess..." You hung your head, slightly disappointed.
Dimple laughed, "Maybe another time, you goof."
You hop in an overjoyed manner, "We'd have so much fun, I promise!!"
He smiled, blushing at your outburst.

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