*Learning Lessons* Dimple × Reader (Backstory Part 1)

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Another day in your classroom...
Kids were setting up as they took books out of their bags and placed them on their desks. You saw the student you were most familiar with, spotting him as he walked in, "Good morning, Mob! It's so lovely to see you!" You gave a closed eyed smile, he smiled back, "Good morning Ms. (L/N)." He spoke softly and approached his seat.
"Did you study at all for the quiz like I asked?" You tilt your head.
"I... Umm.." He started to sweat and fidget.
"Mob.. You can do so much better than that..." You walk over and lean close to him and whisper, "If you get smart enough maybe Tsubomi-chan will admire you a little more.."
"Ms. (L/N)!" He bursted out. He stopped for a moment and started to sweat more as blush filled in his cheeks, "D-do you really mean it..?" His voice became a soft whisper once again.
"Of course, Mob! Women love smart guys." You smile, "Or a man who can cook, buuut.."
Mob interrupted, "I.. Almost burnt my house down while making breakfast once..."
You snicker and ruffle his hair, "Just try you best and that's the most you could ever offer your special someone.." You smile and stood back up, "You need to study, Shigeo!" You spoke as you walk back to your desk.
Dimple spoke up, "Your teacher's really something.."
"Yeah, everyone's her favourite, she treats all the other students so kindly and a lot of people come to her if they have personal problems they need help with." Mob smiled.
"Is that why she knows about you crushing hard on Tsubomi..?"
Mob jolted and twiddled his thumbs, blush filled his face once more, ".. Yes..."

You sat at your desk, watching Mob and Dimple talk to each other.
'Stupid spirit.. He's nothing but a bad influence for him...' You thought and huffed.
'He checks me out when he thinks I don't notice, even just as me and him were talking that spirit was staring right at me.. I hope Mob doesn't end up like him.'


Class starts and you begin talking about the quiz, doing a small review as you start writing up on the chalk board.
"Most of this test will be multiple choice so I won't go into detail otherwise the test might be too easy for all of you, I'll keep it a bit of a challenge. You all can come to me for any retakes!"
The class responded with a simple ok as you handed out the test.


Most kids soon finished the test and turned it in to you. You seen Mob sweating up a storm, seeing he was the only one not finished.
"Oh Mob..." you whisper to yourself and chuckled.
You walk over and lean next to him and look at his paper, noticing he hasn't even answered a single question. "Would you like help?" You turn your head to him, he nods as he blushed in embarrassment.
You begin explaining before you felt something soft brush against your leg, you paused before continuing to walk him through the problem, then you heard chuckling...
You and Mob both looked down to see Dimple between your legs and looking up your skirt.
Mob tried to ignore it the best he could until you grabbed Dimple by the head.
"You're.. An esper..." Mob spoke in awe.
You still looked beyond pissed at the small green spirit.
You gave an irritated smirk as you brought him close to your face, "You must be Dimple.. I've seen enough of your perverted stares. Do it once more and I won't hesitate to exorcise you."
Dimple looked mortified, you simply tossed him aside.
'She.. She knew I hung around her this entire time, she had the guts to not speak of it?!?' Dimple slowly vanished, going back into his stealth mode to hide.
You continue to watch Mob answer the question, you shaked slightly in a fit silent rage, unknown to you, an aura surrounded you.
"Uhm.. Ms. (L/N)..??" Mob looked up from his quiz sheet, a timid, worried expression shown on Mob's face, it morphed into slight fear,
'I can sense it.. She's so powerful...'
You didn't respond, Mob spoke again in a soft tone, "Ms. (L/N), calm down please."
It took you a moment to breathe a sigh, you closed your eyes tightly before your happy usual self came back to light, "Now, where were we?" You smile slightly.


The school day ended, you sat in your classroom as you graded worksheets.
"Hello Ms. (L/N), can I talk with you?"
"Oh! Of course, Shigeo! What do you need?"
Your eyes dart up to Mob, Dimple hid behind him.
"Dimple wanted to say he was sorry."
You leaned to look behind Mob, you could notice Dimple was sweating buckets before he hid behind his back and out of your vision.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I just.. got carried away, or at least more than it should have in a children's classroom..." You scratched your cheek sheepishly.
He slowly peeked over Mob's shoulder before fully showing himself and speaking up, ".. I'm sorry..." Dimple's face showed somewhat sincerity.
You smirked as if to tease him about his embarrassing apology, "Is that all?"
"I-I mean it!! I'M SORRY!!!" Dimple practically begged.
".. Have you ever wrote an apology, Dimple?"
"Huh..???" His head cocked to the side.
"A note of apology. You wouldn't just say 'I'm sorry', correct? It would be too insincere." You explain.
He took a deep breath, thinking over his words before speaking...
"I.. I'm sorry for what I did, being a spirit is as awful as it sounds.. Sure I have powers and I'm able to possess people, but I can't become friends with them, it's impossible, they often just run away. I thought you were pretty, not like I thought I could ever get close to you, but I didn't think you were an esper, you wouldn't be familiar with ghosts like me."
"I am. You don't scare me, now you know!" You smile, "I accept your apology, thank you Dimple."
He sighed in relief. Mob began to walk out of the classroom, you stopped him, "Mob wait!"
"I know it's wrong to read minds, but I couldn't help but pick up on it.. You have a job?"
"Can I ask what it is? Usually kids your age don't have one."
"I'm.. er..." He debated on lying to you before responding, "I'm an exorcist. I help people out with their spiritual problems."
"That sounds fun, could you tell me some stories?"
"I would, but I'm late for body improvement club. Maybe tomorrow?"
"That's perfectly fine!"
He ran out the door as you began grading again..

Shigeo Kageyama



[A/N]: Woo!! Part one is complete! This is part of the backstory between the reader and (S/O);
I chose to do the Dimple backstory first because I thought I could add a lot more to the story! ^^

Mob Psycho 100 Oneshots and Scenarios ♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon