Beach Day!!! (Main 4)

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No doubt the most flustered boy once he first saw you at his doorstep in your bathing suit. "Hurry up!! Lets get a move on!!" You pull him from his daze and out the door.

Little things you do make him blush, even a simple giggle, so you could imagine this poor boy was put in overdrive. He tried so hard to not look down and just look into your eyes whenever you spoke to him, even though it was pretty tempting for him. It was really hot out so you mainly both swam around and stood in the shade. He bought an ice cream for you with the money he brought along with him, you were overjoyed and hugged him tightly, he stiffened and squeaked at the contact and almost dropped the ice cream in the process. 


He was fairly calm, he didn't mind your attire, maybe took a few peeks when you weren't paying attention. You were reading under an umbrella and he laid in a lawn chair next to you, he leaned his head onto your shoulder, looking at the book you had in your hands, "What'cha reading..?" He gave you a look that internally made you realize he was begging for attention. "Hmm... Nothing you'd like~" The book you were reading was in the middle of a bit of a lewd scene, you didn't favor him reading it. "Aw c'mon, what is it?" He grabbed onto the book, you blushed and snickered, yanking it back and hiding it from his view, "I promise it's nothing-"

He reached out for it and you dodged his grasp, you stood up from your spot when Reigen spoke in a tired and somewhat low tone, "(Y/N), Don't run off, I will chase you down. You don't want to embarrass yourself."

"Okay, okay, I won't run off..."

"Good now hand me the-"

You then took a hard dash the other way along with the book, kicking a bit of sand as you boost off. "(Y/N)!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" Reigen quickly ran off after you.

You end up eventually being caught, he lunged at you, you stumbled over, releasing the book, Reigen took it and opened it at the bookmark. You got up and dusted yourself off, you could see his face slowly turn a bright red watching his eyes go back and forth across the pages, he scoffed and started laughing

"I can't finish this-" He shoved the book in your hands.

"Told you, you wouldn't like it~"

Dimple (SG! I guess lol)

The whole crew was included in this one-

He's snooped around plenty of times to be prepared to see you in a bathing suit, but on the other hand you never seen him in such a state. He kept a shirt on due to your begs and pleas.

You tried too many times to fluster him that day and it never worked. In fact, he started to take notice and tried to embarrass you a little, it worked well and definitely humored him. You, Reigen, Serizawa, and, of course, Dimple were all playing a little game of truth or dare to pass the time while Mob and the others have fun playing in the water.

Reigen knew a little too much about your thing for Dimple, more than you expected at least. He was quietly laughing up a storm when it was his turn, he kept his eyes on both you and Dimple, you were scared to know what's coming. "Dimple, truth or dare?"

Oh god this could go badly-

"Not like I have any dignity to gamble in my afterlife, dare." He smirked.

"Take off your shirt." Reigen looked over to you after he gave the dare, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Creep." He muttered in return.

"Aw c'mon, you gotta do it!" Reigen cheered on, Serizawa seemed a little confused of what he was trying to plan. Dimple sighed loudly, "Fine." He spoke, grabbing the ends of his shirt and pulling it over his head, "Happy now?" He grumbled with the shirt he once wore in his hand.

The three look over when they heard you squeak in embarrassment. You were covering your eyes before he even took the shirt off. Once he noticed, Dimple put an arm around you and chuckled leaning close to your face as you turn a brighter red, still keeping it covered.

Reigen bursted out laughing, while Serizawa seemed quite concerned, "(Y-(Y/N), do you need to lie down?"


He didn't feel like swimming, so you decided to stick with him.

"Man, it's way too hot out here.."

"You can always go swim without me if you'd like."

"And miss out on spending time with you, are you crazy?" You chuckled an raised a brow.

"Wanna go get some popsicles to cool off?" Serizawa offered, "I seen a stand along our walk over here!"

"Actually doesn't sound bad!" You smiled.

You had a slightly long walk to the way there, you both had to struggle through the agonizing heat to get there. "Two.. Popsicles.. Please.." Serizawa panted.

Once you got your popsicles you decide to head back, Serizawa spoke up, looking over at you, "So is it good? Ah-" He was stopped by you, you had half of the popsicle in your mouth and slowly pulled it back out. "Hm? Sorry I wasn't paying attentio- ... Seri??"

He was looking straight down at the sand as he walked, his popsicle melted as he gripped it tighter. He was as red as the popsicle he was holding, you shook him, "Serizawa??? What's wrong??"

"N-n-nothing, just finish your popsicle and I'll go swimming for a bit with you.."

"Wah?! Really?!?" You smiled excitedly.

[A/N]: Sorry I haven't posted in quite a bit, my parents took my phone and all of my other drafts are saved on my notes so I'll finish those stories and requests sometime later while I continue to write on my computer in my alone time. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you're all doing well!

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