First Date (Main 4)

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Mob - A nice walk or a picnic
When he arrived he gave you a bunch of flowers he picked, your parents adore him.
Mob wanted something calming for your first date so he decided that it would be nice to have a lovely picnic with your favourite foods! At the end of the night you made a move, kissing him on the cheek and he turned as red as a cherry, unable to get over it for a few days.

Reigen - A movie
He thought it would be fun to watch a scary movie, in a stale attempt to get you to cling to him. Funny enough, he was the one getting scared. You poke fun at him for it the rest of the night, it made him feel like you were so much cooler than him. You were about to go open the door to your house when he blurted out red-faced, "C-CAN I HAVE A KISS!?" He said it like it was stuck in the back of his throat for awhile, you agreed and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips before you headed inside.

(Security Gaurd) Dimple - A fancy restaurant
Mob used his psychic ability to contact people, able to find the original body he possessed. When he arrived he gave you some chocolates, saying to leave them at home to not spoil the dinner due to the food being too expensive. Being a gentlemen, he paid for himself and for you (with Reigen's credit card) and you came home to share chocolates and a few kisses in return!

Serizawa - Beach day
Even when Serizawa planned this date, you knew he wasn't going to be prepared. By that, he didn't get any sleep for DAYS and he didn't have any swimwear because he really never bothered to leave his house. You changed plans into cuddle time at your house instead, so he could sleep peacefully and feel twice as safe with you being near him. He was uncomfortable at first, but you held him close and stroked his hair until he fell asleep, you do the same soon after and while you were asleep he pulled you closer to him.
No kisses that day, but cuddling with this lovebug felt just as nice.


[A/N]: Sorry there wasn't much of a variance, I just know these boys the best! ^^'

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