Things They do That Annoy You (Main 4)

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[A/N]: It's obvious I don't own reader-chan; if these thing don't annoy you about them, it's no big deal I hope!

He still sorta has a thing for Tsubomi, you get jealous if he stares at her too much and, of course, he does still love you more than her and has realized he couldn't be treated better by any other girl, even Tsubomi. He won't stop apologising after realizing he was watching her too much and ignoring you.

His little part-time, con man thing. You admire the way he can swindle his way out of almost any situation, but you don't like the way he tries to pull wool over Mob's eyes.

This blob is ANNOYING. He'll constantly ask to borrow your body, mainly yours out of anyone else's, even Mob's. Sometimes it's not even in difficult situations, like if someone is in danger. You still don't understand why he wants yours specifically.

He doesn't get out of the house too often, since he's always been used to staying inside. Because of this, it makes experiencing things with him challenging.

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