Chapter 10

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Jim's POV

I couldn't believe the sight right before eyes. A grin involuntarily spreads across my face as I closed the space between us, enveloping him in an embrace. The half robot chuckles and returns the hug.

"Missed me that much, huh?" Silver says. I pull away, the smile plastered on my face causing my cheeks to hurt.

"You have no idea. I haven't seen you in years!"

The cyborg solemnly smiles back. "I know, lad." He take a step back, looking me up and down. "You've grown to be a fine young man, Jimbo. I always thought you'd be a lanky little fellow the rest of your life!"

I playfully roll my eyes. "Ha Ha Ha very funny Silver."

A random thought pops into my head, and my excitement vanishes.

"Wait a sec. You aren't running from any trouble, are you?" I accusingly ask while pointing a finger at him. The last thing I need right now is the robot policemen busting through the door.

"What? Of course not Jimbo." His reply was immediate. I study his face for a few seconds, and I couldn't find any reason to suspect he was lying to me. On the other hand, he did hide the fact that he was a roguish pirate that was looking to steal all the treasure for himself all those years before.

After a brief silence he spoke up again.

"I heard there was trouble arising here. I was close by and decided to check on ya."

I lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh Jimbo, it hurts me heart that you don't trust me," he feigns hurt and places his robotic hand over his heart.

"You and I both know that I have my reasons to suspect you of wrongdoings," I pointed out to him, and the corner of my mouth slightly tugs upward. "But, it's really good to see your butt ugly face again Silver."

Silver playfully glares at me.

"Right back atcha Jimbo. Now what's this I here about an invasion..."



"Son of a bitch," I cursed to myself as I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. I stayed up later than expected filling Silver in about everything.

To make matters worse, Silver volunteered to come along with us. I told him that I'd have to think about and let him know in the morning. I know for a fact as soon as I bring it up to Amelia that she'll probably punch me dead in the face, and Doppler won't be pleased about it either. I'm not even sure I trust him myself, honestly.

"I was close by and decided to check on ya."

It's hard to believe that he was just so happen to be near when trouble starts. My mind ran wild with possibilities keeping me up way after my conversation with Silver. The last time I glanced at the clock it was a little after one a.m, and now it's five.

My hand instinctively traveled to my chest only to not find what I was searching for. Of course Morph slept with Silver last night.

I groan a sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stretch and yawn before standing up to get ready. I grab my clothes and head toward the bathroom to piss and shower.

I reach the toilet and pull out my whacker, my shoulders relaxing as the tension in my abdomen releases.

"What? Of course not Jimbo."

I finish and step over to the shower. When the water is nice and hot, I step inside and enjoy the water as it scorches my skin, awakening my senses. I knew this was going to be my last shower for a long time once again, but hopefully not as long as before.

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