Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

"Planet ahoy!" yelled a crewman atop of a post, a spyglass in his slimy, purple tentacle. The rest of the crew cheered and clapped out of pure joy, happy to be returning to their home planet.


A tune from an accordion can be heard playing, and the crew consisting of various alien species start to dance and sing a chant. Their captain watched from behind the wooden wheel of the ship, a smile written across his face. He was just as happy as them to be back home after a long war with some pestering pirates. They had been gone for half a year.

Six long months fighting, and it's finally over. And this scurvy crew won by the way.

A small, high pitched giggle can be heard by the captain, and he looks down to see a smaller version of himself standing on the wheel.

"Happy to be back too huh, Morph?" he asked the mini him.

A pink blob with adorable puppy eyes and a huge smile replaced the little figure, and it flew up to the man's face and hugged his cheek. A chuckle seeped through his lips, humored by his little friends excitement.

The octopus alien man slid down his post and approached his captain.

"Aye Captain Jim, it sure does fell good to be back home!"

Jim Hawkins faced him with a smirk. "It sure does Scoot. It sure does."

Soon enough the ship began docking at Crescentia, Montressor's Spaceport. The planet's locals started to swarm toward the ship. The crewman started running off the ship, greeting their families and friends that haven't seen in so long.

Jim took his time leaving his ship, his eyes scanning the happy faces of the crowd looking for one person in particular.

"Jim! Jim over here!"

He sharply turned his head at the sound of his mother's voice. Jim sped walked toward her and she met him halfway, running into his embrace.

"Oh I missed you sooooo much!" she exclaimed and gave him a big smooch on his left cheek. The young captain let out a chuckle. "I missed you too ma." Morph zoomed up to his mother and nuzzled her cheek in a greeting. Then a British voice broke up the emotional moment.

"Oh Sarah could you please move aside and let us have a turn? I mean he is going to stay with you! I won't barely get to see the lad!"

The mother and son turned their heads only to see Mr. Doppler and his wife Amelia with their three daughters (Matey, Jib, and Tillie) and son (Sunny). The kids are now rowdy toddler and certainly don't like being held captive in their strollers. Morph flew over to the strollers and turned into a toy monkey holding symbols. The monkey starts to bang his cymbals and the children stop whining and start giggling and laughing at their little silly companion. Amelia sent a grateful glance at Morph.

Sarah Hawkins simply rolled her eyes and stepped over to Amelia and the children. The dog-like man gave Jim a manly bear hug, lifting him off the ground in the process.

"It's good to see you again boy," he says and drops the Jim back on his feet. "Same here, old man," Jim said sarcastically. "Old man?!? Why I ne-"

"Alright step aside Delbert, it's my turn!" The sassy, and coincidentally British speaking, feline captain exclaimed pushing her hubby aside, holding Tillie in one arm and hugging Jim from the other side. "I'm so proud of you soldier." Just as she finished her sentence Jib, who is stilling sitting in her stroller, threw her bottle at Tillie and it hit her on her forehead, causing Tillie to let out a shrill scream.

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