Chapter 6

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Lilo's POV

We made our way through plaza with Jim and Mr. Doppler as our guides. The civilians seemed to be uninterested in us now as they  continued on with their day routines, not even sparing us a second glance.

We're riding in a carriage pulled by what seems to two very large slugs. Doppler and Jim sat in the very front with the canine-like Astrophyscian holding the reigns. Jumba, Pleakley, and I sat packed inside of the carriage like a can of sardines due to Jumba's size. It wasn't that bad since Jumba is basically hanging out the window, making the carriage lean a bit to the side.

As we passed by different buildings and places Doppler and Jim took turns pointing them out and telling us facts and history of them. Jumba and Pleakley each had their own camera, and most of the ride consisted of their cameras clicking and flashing.

I stared out the window at the different variety of aliens bustling around. Growing up in Hawaii there wasn't a lot of different looking people aside from the tourists. I guess why we all called each other cousins, one big ohana. But here, everyone had there own look.

The town also had a simplicity tone about it. The buildings had the designs of the early 20th century or even earlier. The roads are either made of dirt or stone and are filled with people either getting around by walking or carriages and carts pulled by some kind of large animal. Children of all sizes and colors played with each other as their laughter and screams filled the air. The boys are wrestling and chasing each other while the girls are playing with homemade ragdolls. I smiled remembering the one I had when I was younger which is with a doubt still laying on my bed.

The civilians sense of style matched the town. Women in their light floral colored dresses that reach their feet with white aprons and bonnets and bows in their hair. Their are some younger women with just knee high dresses. They either have on flats or are bare feet. The men wear either black or brown pants with jackets to match . The older men wear theirs with white ruffled button downs shirts. Their jacket and pants are more formal with most having a little pocket having a pocket watch in it. Their feet are either covered with boots or formal shoes, but the shoes have a shine to them. Their are some older, middled aged, and younger men that are dressed with simply a button down shirt, pants and boots and you can tell they are hard at work with dust covering their boots and clothing with their sleeves rolled up. The young men have a sort a swag with their clothing. They are either wearing a regular T-shirt or a button down shirt. If they are wearing a button down shirt, the first few buttons from the top are unbuttoned showing off their chest. Only some bothered with a jacket, and those who had one are either wearing it or had it casually slung over their shoulders. Their pants are a bit looser but they aren't sagging. They all had on boots too.

Soon enough we made it to the outskirts of town and traveling down a narrow path. Doppler whipped the reigns making the slugs pick up a bit of speed. The sound of the cameras clicking and talking has died down and a overall peaceful silence has taken over. Jumba is still looking out his window with his head laying on his folded arms along the bottom edge of the window. Pleakley has finally calmed down and fallen asleep with his head resting against Jumba's back. His mouth is widely agape with slob trickling down the side of his face. I'm sure it's making a wet spot on the back of Jumba's shirt, but he doesn't seem to mind. Stitch is curled up in a ball on my lap taking a nap as well, soft snores escaping his lips.

I absentmindedly rub his head and stare out the window with my head laying against the side of it. The terrain outside is basically barren and desert-like. There a few plants here and there. Dust kicked up from the ground as the wheels of the carriage travels over the dirt.

In the distance I can see the roof of a house we are approaching. As we got closer I realized that the house is HUGE. The mansion is at the top a hill, the bottom of it surrounded by a large fence. We entered through the gate and started the ascent to the top. Doppler pulled up right in front of the steps next to some kind of small transportation that is leaning against the stairs and came to a halt. Jumba slid out of the carriage making Pleakley fall to the side and his head hit the siding used to help step into the carriage causing Pleakley to awaken with a yelp.

I picked up Stitch and cradled him to my chest. I felt him stir in my arms, and then I felt him instinctively grab onto my shirt. Jim came to my door and opened it for me. I gave him a small smile in appreciation and slid out.

Jumba and Pleakley came around to our side, which is by the stairs, already bickering with each other.

"All I'm saying is you could've warned me before you got out!" Pleakley whined.

"It completely slipped my mind," Jumba says, his reply not convincing at all, "Besides, it's not my fault that your body is shaped like a blow pop."

Doppler's voice cut through their arguing.

"I'm going around back to park the carriage. I'll walk you all in when I return." and with that he took off.

All of us, excluding the babbling pair watch him until he disappeared from our view. When I couldn't see him anymore my attention focused in the overgrown children behind us. They are still throwing insults back and forth at each other.

"You two need to cut it out!" I snapped. My temper has always been short fused and they are not making me any more patient. They stopped arguing, but they still glared at each other out of the corners of their eyes.

It didn't take Dr. Doppler long to park the carriage. A couple of minutes later he was back and he starts to lead us up the stairs. As we were heading up he started talking.

"Let me warn you about my wife a bit," he started off catching everyone's attention.

"She's been an Admiral of two different ships for years now, so she's very authorative and strict. She is also not very trusting of strangers, so be ready to answer some questions," he finished off.

"But she's not that bad once she warms up to you," Jim added to ease the stiffness in the air.

We reached the top and came face to face with tall wooden double doors, each one with matching antique knockers in the shape of a dragon head. But since it was his house, Doppler simply just pushed open the doors letting us pass through first.

We walked in and it was pretty much what I was expecting to see, except it looked a bit....rough. I can tell that him and his wife do indeed have children because they have wrecked havoc in the house. Though the house seemed to be quiet...

"Hmm, that's weird. It's a bit too silent," Doppler commented, as if he read my mind, walking in front of the group. With his back now facing us I now realize that there's a huge smiley face drawn on the back of his coat. I let out a little snicker at the sight.

"Amelia!" the dogman called out, and I'm guessing that's the name of his wife.

"Delbert hush!" came a quiet female voice, yet you could hear the authority in it. Then someone popped from around the corner.

"The children are actually taking a nap at the same time for once, so please keep it down."

She was so focused on scolding her husband that it took a second job her to realize that we were in the room. When she did, a look of shock washed over her face, but in a split second it was gone replaced with scrutiny.

As she ordered us I took the chance to do the same. Unlike her hubby she had more of a feline look about her. Her slanted eyes held a sense of slyness, and her ears are flattened against her head signaling the distrust she's feeling.

Unlike the women I saw in town she's not wearing a dress. Instead  she's has on a white T-shirt with tight blue pants and black boots.

After I finished assessing her a realization hit me.

Doppler is basically a canine...

And Amelia's a cat.

Oh the irony.

"Delbert Doppler and James Hawkins who have you brought into my home?" she asked, her voice dripping with venom.

We should've just stayed on the damn ship.

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