Chapter 5

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Jim's POV

After Lilo handed me the letter, I started to read it out loud.

"Dear Master,

     I bet you thought I was gone for good, huh? No, I'm not going anywhere. Not until I prove a point.

     Do you like the present I sent you? I made an experiment, just like you made me. The only difference is, I don't look at him like you looked at me. A slave. No I see him no different as I see myself. I see him as a friend, as my precious little child.

     He is my very first creation, and unlike you I cherish him. Yes, I did send him away to you, but I sent him away with a mission. That mission is to fetch you. He is going to help you find me.

     Here's the deal, there are many more of my children here with me, waiting on your arrival. So far, there are exactly.... Did you really think I would tell you? Ha! Anyways, I'm planning on taking over the universe, starting with the measly planet you now call home. Earth.

     Ares, yes that's his name, basically has a map with a specific route programmed in his mind, the road that will lead you to me. When your are going the right direction, his body color will get lighter and lighter. When you have reached my destination he will illuminate, and when the light subsides, he will be completely white. If you can get him to cooperate with you, which I doubt you will, he could just tell you which way to go. The color changing is just a… backup plan. He can be quite troublesome sometimes.

     I have sent a timer along with Ares. You better hurry up if you want to save the entire universe. Who knows, when you get here you probably won't be able to stop me anyways. The color changing is just a… backup plan. He can be quite troublesome sometimes.

Experiment 1

After I finished reading it, I stared at the letter a little puzzled. I glance over at Doppler to find him with the same questioning expression. “This is all very interesting…” I say breaking the uncomfortable silence in the ship.

“It is indeed,” Doppler agreed, “but my question to you all is: Why do you need our help?”

“We need your help because we are not very familiar with this galaxy,” Lilo replied, “yeah we have a map and Ares to help, but we know nothing about the creatures that roam around, especially the ones that like to cause trouble.”

“Yeah! Some random ship tried to blast us earlier for no apparent reason!” Pleakley exclaimed. “Besides, we need a big strong man like you to help us,” the one eyed alien in a flirting manner, batting his eyelashes at me. My eyes widen and a light blush dusts my cheeks as i feel embarrassment and shock at the same time.

“Stop it!” Jumba chastised him and delivered a blow to the back of the alien’s head.

“Ow! Now that wasn’t even called for!” Pleakley yelled at Jumba. The pair then started to argue back and forth.

I took the opportunity to lean over to Lilo.

“That is a guy right?”

“Yep,” she replied with a smug grin. Stitch, who is still perched on her shoulder, mimicked his owner with a toothy grin of his own.

Cue my face turning scarlet red.

Lilo let out a giggle before turning her attention back toward the arguing aliens. The argument had escalated quickly because Jumba has a firm grip on Pleakley’s throat as he shook him. The poor guy’s one eye is bulging out his head as he gasps for air.

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