Chapter 3

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Jim's POV

After Delbert and Amelia got their rowdy kids to actually be still for a change (thanks to the help of Morph), we headed toward his library while Amelia watched them.

"It's really nice to have you back around Jim," Dr. Doppler says with a warm smile as we head down the hallway.

"Same here," I replied with a smirk. "I see the kids are-"

"GETTING WORSE! I mean, the girls have always had a fire burning in them. They take after their mother of course, but Sonny just turned into a little demon all of a sudden! Don't get me wrong they're our children a-and we love them bu-"

"I was gonna say they're growing up fast, buuut I guess that's true too," I say, cutting his rant off.

He sheepishly smiled and then cleared his throat. "Yes they are growing up fast," he says with a proud smile.

We make it to the library and I take a look around. Nothing has changed since I've been gone, except for a few trinkets here and there missing, and I have no doubt that the kids probably broke them. Now that I think about it, aside from the books and the telescope, everything seems put to be put away.

"Well, you are probably wondering why asked you to come over," he starts out, proceeding over toward his desk.   He picked up a little bronze statue of Montressor revealing a remote. He picked it up and pressed a button, and a holographic image of the galaxy appeared in the middle of the room. After our voyage to Treasure Planet, he made it his mission to create his own space map in the form of a hologram and he did it. I don't know how he managed to get it done with the kids running around, but he managed to do it, and I must say it looks amazing.

"Wow, you finished it!" I exclaimed giving him a pat on the back.

He smiled at his work, obviously proud of it.

"Yep, I finished it a couple of weeks ago. It took longer because I had to help Amelia with the children, bit I manage to complete it. Let me show some of its features."

He fiddled with the remote and the map shifted making Montressor evident in the middle of the map. The map zoomed in on the planet, and I gasped in awe.

"With some help, there are several sensors placed on Montressor and in space around it. They allow us the track movement happening around the planet. The sensors can detect anything from meteors and ships coming to and from here," he explains.

"The sensors are so strong, we are able to make out the shape of the objects they detect. They also contain cameras equipped with thermal energy, so if a ship is entering our atmosphere or just even passing by, we can get the gist of how many are aboard."

Looking at the map, you can clearly see meteorites floating, ships flying to and from Montressor, and the surrounding stars shine the brightest. I focused on one of the ships, and I can see little specks of red and orange indicating people on the ship.

"That's amazing," I complimented my eyes still fixated on the map.

"Thank you," Dr.Doppler says with a smug smirk. He clicks another button and the map zooms back out.

"I also managed to get these special sensors throughout the galaxy with the help of crews of different ships, including yours, to get more accurate destinations for the rest of the planets. You can also click on various planets to receive the name of it and specific details of the planet's terrain and its inhabitants." He clicked on a nearby planet to demonstrate how it works.

"Amelia also helped me when she could manage to. With our knowledge and the sensors information put together, we created the most accurate map that can update itself whenever needed." he finished off.

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