Chapter 7

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Amelia's POV

"Delbert Doppler and James Hawkins who have you brought into my home!"

These idiots have lost their mind bringing strangers here! I just put the children to sleep after chasing them around for fucking ever and now this!

Delbert's face visibly blanched. "Now, now dear calm down..." he said cautiously in a audible whisper making me remember I did just scream at them. I could've woken them up. I chose not to say anything back knowing it would come out as a yell rather than a whisper, but I kept intense glare upon my face.

I also let out a little hiss, making my husband jump.

Jumping like the little bitch he is.

"These are the visitors we were talking about earlier," Jim says, seeing that Delbert couldn't find his words at the moment.

My face visibly relaxed just a bit, my glare not as deadly as before, with a hint a curiousness bubbling up.

"Oh I see..." I trailed off. At seeing the change, Delbert decided to speak up.

"Well let me introduce everyone," he says, he walks over to the left (my left) of the room standing beside a huge man with several eyes.

"This is Jumba Jookiba, the scientist of the group."

"Hello, ma'am," Jumba says in a thick accent with a nod of his head, and I give a little nod back. I can sense of bit a trouble within him.

He moves over to a scrawny yellow woman with only one eye.  She's wearing an awfully big amount of makeup.

"This is Pleakley."

The name made me quirk a brow, and then....

"Hi there!" says a definitely not feminine voice, making me drop my tough appearance and it being fireplace by shock. I can hear Jim chuckle. "As you can see I'm the BeaUtY of the group," the bobble head alien says masking my eyes widen even more. He sounded more like a young boy whose balls hasn't dropped yet.

"I told you to take off those ridiculous clothes! You had her confused!" Jumba says in a whisper scream. Then he wacked him on the back of his head, and Pleakley fell to the floor.

"I'm okay!" his muffled voice called out since he was face down.

Delbert shook his head and stepped over him and standing beside a woman, and I'm bloody sure that its a girl, who was now glaring daggers at the chubby scientist. When he realized he picked up the poor fellow and help him stand back up. Pleakley was just about to start yelling at him when Jumba quickly pointed her way. When he noticed his whole demeanor changed. Both of them smiled nervously at her, but her glare never wavered.

What surprises me though is that's she is in fact a human.

Delbert cleared his throat and her attention jumped back to him.

"This young lady is Lilo."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Amelia," she says now facing me with a genuine smile, and my face instantly lit up, my attitude a lot better than before. "And as you can see I'm the mother of the group," she says sarcastically. Oh now I really like her.

"Ahh it's nice to see that some people still have manners," I say with a smile of my own.

"And finally, this little fellow is Stitch," he finishes off holding his hand, gesturing to where I need to look. I didn't notice him at first, a little blue alien clinging on to the young lady's jacket. He is the cutest thing ever. He gave me a big toothy smile.

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