Chapter 9

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3rd POV

The Berlow Inn continues to rattle and shake. The wooden walls seemed to creaked in a plea for help. That along with the sounds glass breaking and objects falling filled everyone's ears in which, unfortunately, they couldn't cover because their hands are glued to the table and chairs as they tried to keep themselves balanced. Well, except for Pleakley. The lanky alien dashed under the table as soon as he heard the blast. He's one his knees with his whole body bent forward and arms protecting the top of his head.

Several of the windows, even though they were made thicker when they rebuilt the inn, cracked from the impact, and smoke starts to creep in as a result. The smutty air makes them cough and weeze, and their eyes become irritated and dry.

"Delbert, we have to get the children!" Amelia managed to shout, even though her burning lungs protested it, at her husband with so much vibrato the room seemed to shake even more.

As if on cue Stitch comes into the dining area along with the quadruplets. They've made a chain link with everyone holding hands with Stitch in the lead. He led them right to their table and, as soon as they were close enough, the kids scurried into their parents comforting embraces.

Soon enough the vibrations calmed down. Everything in the inn settle back into place, well, except the broken things scattered across the floor. An eerie silence overcomes them.

"What in bloody hell was th-"


Another explosion blasted sending shockwaves through the area. It wasn't as bad as the first, though. It probably wasn't near the inn like before. Cries from the civilians increased in volume as it most likely landed in the heart of town. Many nearby began to hurry inside the Inn to the safety of their rooms or to shelter from the blasts, and the dining area quickly filled up.

"I gotta go see what's happening," the young captain declares. Doppler instantly nods his head, ready to head out with him. The duo's trip to the infamous Treasure Planet years before helped boost the astrophyscian's courage tremendously.

"We'll come help you,"Lilo says. Jumba nods his head in agreement and Stitch let's out some alien mumbo-jumbo as a sadistic smile stretches across his face.

"I'll stay here and help out," Pleakley squeakes from underneath the table, fear evident in his shaky voice. No one tries to change his mind either. Jumba even mumbles a 'thank goodness'.

"Such a shame," Jumba says in a hushed voice, peeking under the table at his hyperventilating friend, "I could've used as a shield."

But of course, Lilo heard him through all the ruckus.

"What can Pleakley's body protect you from?" she asked. Stitch snickers and Jumba shoots a glare in her direction. Jim suppresses his smirk because right now is not the time to joke joke around.

"I can keep the kids for you Amelia," Sarah suggests, very well knowing that the fiesty captain wanted in on the action.

Amelia smiles. "Thank you." She turns to the rest of the group.

"I've been itching for a fight for years."

"Go on to Ms. Sarah," Doppler says, ushering his children towards her. They instantly cling on to her skirt for dear life.

"B.E.N I need a microphone!" The robots rushes to her side, pulling a mic from his stomach compartment and opening his mouth wide.

"Alright everyone!" Sarah's voice boomed out of the speaker in the robot's mouth to get the panicking people's attention. "Everyone needs to calm down and head down to the basement now!"

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