Chapter 2

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Jim's POV

I wearily opened one eye after a long night of needed rest. I can tell that it's the break of dawn, a dull orange glows through the window in my room. I hear a soft snore near my face. I glanced down to see Morph sleeping on my neck, his body a pool of pink slime that seems like it will start to drop, and his mouth wide open with his tongue hanging out the side. I reached up and wiped the drool coming from the side of my mouth.

'Maybe I can drift off again...'


All of a sudden I'm crushed by B.E.N. Morph jolted awake with a squeal, and he zips under my bed to hide.

"Aye man you're made of metal. You can't be jumping on people like that," I annoyingly explain to the robot sitting on my stomach while covering my face with my pillow.

"It's just so good to have you back! I'm so happy my eyes just might leak oil!"

"Yeah, yeah get off of me B.E.N, you're heavy."

"Oopsie! My bad..." he apologizes while getting up. He accidently took a wrong step and ended up falling to the floor.

After everything in the room went quiet, chattering could be heard downstairs from the people enjoying their breakfast.

"Oh! I have to go help your mother! See you later friend!" B.E.N exclaims as he hightails out of my room. I sit up with a groan and pop my back. I've outgrown this bed. Maybe I could build me a king size one.

I do morning routine and make my way downstairs. The inn is more chaotic than I remembered it. Since rebuilding the inn it seems the amount of people staying here tripled. It helped that mother had money now to actually hire some help. Several aliens can be spotted taking orders and delivering food.

Mom spots me and makes her way over.

"Mornin' sweetheart," she says and kisses my cheek. She then zooms off to the kitchen, quickly beckoning me to follow.

We went through the doors to the kitchen and there is a lot going on. In the middle of the room are four rows of stoves and counters and every single one is being used. The walls are lined with fresh vegetables, fruits, and seasonings. Some workers are coming in and out of the back of the kitchen where the freezer is located, carrying various frozen meats. Everyone working has a look of determination on there face. Chefs cooking up breakfast and waiters/waitresses coming in and out. Some of them bumped into me and kept going without even throwing a glance in my direction. B.E.N is among the different faces in the kitchen and as soon as he spotted us, he zipped toward us.

"Jim, I want you to meet someone!" he exclaimed, grabbing my arm and dragging me to a different part of the kitchen. In the process of being dragged, we accidently made some of the people fall or drop food. I apologized to everyone along the way with a look of embarrassment. We suddenly came to a halt.

"Jimmie, I want you to meet a fellow robot! His name is A.C.E!"

Standing in front of us was the iron giant himself. The robot is huge, his head almost touching the ceiling. He is wide with a metallic, bronze color. A chef has rested on top of his head. He didn't have anything on his face except his glowing white eyes, and it looked like someone had poorly painted a mustache on his face. A white apron is tied around his waist. I stared up at him in awe.

"His name stands for Advance Culinary Expert. He came highly recommended," said B.E.N.," say hi to Jim A.C.E!"

The robot chef just stared down at us.

"He's not much of a talker," B.E.N whispered into my ear," but he has become a close friend of mine! It's nice to have another fellow mechanical companion around, even if he doesn't talk. But makes some banging gumbo! Well, at least that's what everyone else says."

Awkwardness overcame us until the robot stop staring and continued to help around the kitchen, and I let go of a breath that I wasn't even aware I was holding.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Mom smiles at me and hands me a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"You need to eat up. Delbert wants you to come over to his place to talk about something," she tells me.

I hastily pick up a piece of bacon to take a bite only for it to fly out of my hand and slap me across my face. The crispy piece of pork turned into a laughing pink blob.

I shook my head at Morph's shenanigans and made my way into the front to find a place to sit and eat.

After I finished my breakfast I told ma I was about to leave and made my way to Dr. Doppler's house. I hopped on my flying scooter thing (Idk what it's called) and sped to his house.

It took me about ten minutes to get there. I landed by the steps and started my ascent. I rang the doorbell once I reached the top.




I chuckled at the couple's wild behavior. The door finally swung open to reveal Dr. Doppler, his appearance disheveled and his chest heaving up and down as if he ran a marathon.

"Oh, it's you Jim. Come in."

He stepped aside and let me in, shutting the door behind us. I took in the appearance of the house, and you can tell that the kids have basically taken over. Some of the tapestries having on the walls are torn, there's a broken vase on the floor, and there are doodles on walls.


As if one que, Delbert junior came running through....with a bra covering his ears and a towel tied around his neck, flowing behind him like a cape. He was running as fast as his little legs could carry him, and it was surprisingly a fast speed. I bursted into a fit of laughter at the sight. Mrs. Amelia followed behind him, one of her daughters tucked under her arm like a football.


She continued after her son, and not to long after a crash could be heard from a different room in the house. One of their daughters, I think Tillie, came in with some kind of gun in her hand.

"No, no, no sweetie. Give th-" Dr. Doppler started, but he was interrupted by her squeezing the trigger on the gun sending a ray at the front door behind us, causing the door to blow off his hinges. The doctor and I looked at each other for a second in surprise. When we faced forward again, the little girl was halfway up the staircase giggling to herself.

"Jim boy, you can settle on the couch. I'll be right back," he said and sped up the steps to grab his,  as his feline wife puts it, 'crotch goblin'.

????'s POV

I gazed at the passing stars with a firm grip on the steering wheel in front of me. I let out a sigh, tired of being cramped inside of our little spaceship. I pressed a button and a space map popped up. I wearily looked at it and noticed a planet that is nearby. I clicked on it to look at its description.

Planet Name: Montressor

Spaceport: Crescentia

Description: Mostly land; Creatures of all kind are welcome; home of the famous captain, Jim Hawkins

"Jim Hawkins, huh? Maybe I can get him to help us?" I asked to my little alien companion, only to receive a snore in response. I looked over to the passenger seat to see him flat out on his back, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I shook my head and turned the ship in the direction of the planet.

Montressor here we come.

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