Chapter 43

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For the unknown day it a row, Hermione opened her eyes in pain. Her body was at its breaking point. Anymore torture from the woman and she was sure her body would give up and let her mind die. 

Hermione turned her head, arching  her back against the table. Hannah was on her right. The woman had taken an interest to Hannah. She'd straightened the table so Hannah was almost standing. Despite the special attention and additional torture Hannah was getting, she was stronger than Hermione. 

Hermione had thought that everyday they were in the room, strapped to the tables. Hannah never gave into the pain and exhaustion that came every day. She kept herself alert and warned Hermione everytime the woman came back. 

"I can't take anymore," Hermione whispered, her throat hoarse and derived of water.

Hannah didn't look at her. She only responded, her voice soft and quiet.

"Yes you can. You're fine. Ginny will find a way out and come help us. You are fine."

Hermione turned back to face the room. She then looked to her left, at Jack. He was still uncoincous, head lolled to the side. He hadn't felt or experienced a single thing in the weeks of tortured. He and the rest of the boys has been asleep the entire time.

"Sleep," Hannah commanded, her voice louder and more frantic than before.

Hermione listened without hesitation. She closed her eyes and dropped her head down. She slowed her breathing into a rhythmic pace simulating sleep.  

From the side, metal creaked as a door was opened followed by the sounds of shuffling feet. The footsteps were light and quick, almost as if the woman was running. Hermione knew she wasn't. She took dozens of quick steps rather than regular paced normal sized ones. 

Hermione listened quietly, trying to figure out what the woman was doing this time. She rummaged around in drawers behind them, opening and slamming shut cabinet doors. Hermione heard metal clinking together and grimaced thinking about the knife and dagger collection the woman had.

Resetting her face so it looked like she was sleeping, Hermione fought against her reaction to hold her breath. She heard the woman's quick walking back around them, in front of her. The woman reached up and cupped Hermione's cheek. She rubbed her thumb u and down Hermione's cheekbone.

When Hermione didn't wake, the woman patted her face twice and walked away. 

"Who are you?" Hannah asked.

The woman didn't respond. Hermione didn't understand how her friend had any fight left in her. Hermione took the coward's way out and pretended to sleep. It was the easiest way to avoid the pain. She, Hannah. and Ginny had switched off pretending to be asleep. But the fascination with Hannah had overtaken the woman. She would get angry whenever Hannah wasn't awake and double the torture on Ginny and Hermione. In the end, Hannah refused to play possum and would instead warn the other girls when the woman came.

Strapped to the table, day after day with limited sleep and endless torture, Hermione didn't understand how Hannah took it and still never showed weakness. She never screamed and winced in pain. She never cried or wept for help. She stood strapped down, constantly awake, and numb to her emotions. 

Just like every other day, the woman didn't respond. Instead, Hermione heard her pull forward the medical trat she always kept close. Clattering sounds, metal hitting metal. She was choosing her weapon. 

"You could at least tell me your name. Maybe we can work something out," Hannah continued to reason. 

Hermione wasn't sure what was happening. She didn't hear much. A few minutes passed before Hannah spoke again.

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