Chapter 37

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It was a miracle. If Hunter hadn't had the medical training he did, Jack would have been dead within the minute.

Hunter sighed deeply when he finished his work. Jack was no longer bleeding, although he and Hunter were covered in blood, and breathing at a normal pace again.

"Oh, merlin," Hunter said, leaning back.

"What just happened?" Ginny exclaimed, having moved next to Hermione.

Hermione stared at Jack's body and said, "Begin the quest when non magic arrives," She whispered.

The room fell silent. The seven destined to go on a question were in the room. And with Jack's arrival it had started. No one moved or dared to breathe. They all just watched as Jack took steady breaths staring at the ceiling. Once Hunter had stopped the bleeding, Jack awoke.

Hermione found the rhythm of Jack's breaths soothing. Her vision became fuzzy. Unbeknownst to her, everyone else's had to. The world stayed blurry, colors swirling and changing. It took awhile for her vision to clear up and when it did Hermione was no longer in the common room.

She was in a modern house staring in a living room. Gray furniture sat on the floor and colorful paintings lined the walls. Behind one of the gray couches was a kitchen. A blonde girl was pacing in front of the kitchen island. Her hair was clearly a mess and she was trembling.

Suddenly, the girl looked up and met Hermione's eyes. Her eyes were a sharp blue, similar to the color of Ravenclaw, and they were instantly burned into Hermione's mind.

"Help," the girl whimpered, "You are the first one who's ever gotten here. You need to find me. Start at the chamber of souls. It will guide you. Please, save me."

Hermione's vision blurred again before she was back in the common room. Her friends sat around her, visiting shaken.

"Did you see her?" Ginny whispered.

"Savannah," Hermione mumbled, "That's - it makes sense now. Savannah. She was mentioned in one of the chapters I read. She poisoned her mother, Rowena Ravenclaw, while her sister Helena ran off with the diadem. Rowena locked Savannah somewhere to punish her for murder and was never seen again. She should be dead."

"Start at the chamber of souls. Where's that?" Blade asked.


Harry Potter never thought he would be in a girls bathroom again. Yet here he was, bent over at a sink which led to the chamber of secrets.

"Hermione, I cant do this," he said, giving up on his attempts to open the Chamber of Secrets, "I lost parstletongue when Voldemort died."

"Can you try again. We have to get in there. And I couldn't find Ron," Hermione said.

Harry sighed and turned back to the sink. He bent down again and whispered different hissing noises to it. Harry couldn't quite remember what his exact words were when he did this in second year. He kept doing random snake impersonations hoping one worked. Finally, it seemed to.

The circle of sinks rumbled loudly and one slipped away to reveal a gaping hole down the middle. The group crowded around a peeked in.

"How deep is it?" Blaise asked, looking up at Harry.

"Pretty deep. It turns into a slide eventually and then you have a nice pile of bones to land in," Harry shrugged.

"Bones?" Ginny grimaced.

"You were down there," Harry said, making a face.

"Yeah, and if I remember I was also being controlled by Voldemort," Ginny retorted.

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