Chapter 39

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Dear Diary,

Gods, I can't even fathom what these poor teenagers are going through. I succeeded in talking to the leader, the one who got the book on their end. I don't even understand how I did it. This has happened once, maybe twice before. I couldn't keep the connection long enough to do anything though. 

I'm going to keep trying. I won't give up on this. If I can, I can tell them how to find me, I will. I still haven't figured out where I am though. There's always creaking sounds and footsteps coming from the attack. I can't find an entrance though. There're no windows or anything. I've got a small greenhouse with artificial sunlight, but that's the closest to outside I get. 

I can't wait until I can be freed from this prison. Hopefully, it will be soon. I just hate that one of my saviors may have to die so I can be free. I feel guilty about it, of course, but I've been trapped too long to care. Is that wrong of me? To want my freedom so bad I'm willing to let an innocent person die for it? Gods, I'm a monster. 

Well, now that I'm in this upsetting mood, I need to find something more calming to do. 

--- Savannah Ravenclaw

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