Chapter 31

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"How do I even — get away from me!"

"Well if you can't choose and won't let me, then have them choose," Ginny sighed in frustration.

"Fine! Malfoy, choose a part of the body," Hermione said giving up.

Draco lowered his book slightly and looked up with a raised eyebrow and smirked. Hermine caught on and rolled her eyes. "Get your head out of the gutter . . . if its possible for you."

"What are you even doing?" Blaise asked.

"Cutting my hair. I am done with it!" Hermiine exclaimed tossing the long brown curls over her back again.

"Do mid back. It'll be the same length as Maddie's when mum makes her straighten it," Blaise suggested.

"Who's Maddie?"

Draco burst out laughing. Blaise's eyes widened and he slapped a hand to his face. Hermione and Ginny shared a look before stepping slightly away from them. It had been nearly two months since they had found out Hermione was Blaise's twin. They hadn't told anyone, however. Not even their families, excluding Hunter.

"Bloody hell! How did I forget to tell you about your own sister?" He sighed.

"I have a sister!" Hermione squealed turning around at lightning speed.

"Yes. And another brother. Maddie and Marcus are in fourth year here. They're both fourteen," Blaise said, annoyance with himself clear.

"Fifteen. Their birthday was a month ago," Hannah corrected. "Even I knew that."

Hannah was now officially Blaise's girlfriend. He'd manage to ask her after a few dates. They had been a strong couple ever since. Hannah was the salty and Blaise was the sweet. They balanced each other perfectly.

"Maybe we should tell them, then. I mean, I get how telling our mum would make her come flying down here. Its smart to wait until Easter Holidays before telling her, but these twins can't be that bad. Right?"

"Please do not let them be a Fred and George," Ginny silently whispered.

"They . . . hate each other to say the least." Blaise said, choosing his words carefully.

"Yet I never see one without the other," Hannah remarked.

"Aw, they don't like each other?" Hermione sighed in disappointment.

She sat down on a stool while Ginny went around her with scissors. Cutting hair the muggle way always gave better results than using magic.

"Don't let it fool you! Just because they always fight doesn't mean they wont protect each other. What year was it that he put Crabbe in the hospital wing?" Draco asked.

"I think their second," Blaise said thoughtfully.

"Right, well Crabbe had called Maddie a slut. Marcus and Maddie were both their when it happened. Maddie was used to insults sometimes, but that one really hurt her. Marcus was furious and beat Crabbe to a pulp."

"There was also that time when some girl broke Marcus's heart last year. Maddie had her in a body bind charm that wouldn't came off. The girl was sent to St Mungo's," Blaise added.

"So I have boss siblings?" Hermione asked for clarification.

"Uh, yeah. I suppose so," Blaise nodded.

"You know, you could always just come out as Blaise's twin. I mean, you've been going by your real look for awhile. People are getting suspicious," Hannah suggested glancing down at her silver wristwatch.

"I wouldn't even know how to do it," Hermione groaned.

"Just have him call you sis followed by an argument, staged hopefully, by Malfoy. Make sure he calls you 'Zabini' instead of Granger. Have all this happen in front of major gossipers. The second years would do fine spreading it. I have to meet Susan now. Bye!"

Hannah gave Blaise a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up. She left the room after a final wave, shutting it behind her. The four occupants silently pondered Hannah's plan.

"She could've been in Slytherin," Draco commented finally.

"I overheard Dumbledore telling McGonagall that the Sorting Hat told him in my first year and your second that Hannah was the first person the hat's seen in centuries who was almost equally fit for all houses," Ginny exclaimed.

"I think she's right. We need to spread the word. I'm done with all the rumors of why I look like I do," Hermione decided. "Tomorrow before lunch. Gin and I will meet Blaise and Malfoy outside the Great Hall. Blaise can address me as 'sis' or something. Malfoy will make a remark about something and I'll counter him, causing him to use my real last name."

"So that's how Potter and Weasel managed to stay alive. Your brilliant plans," Draco smirked.

"I'm taking that as a compliment instead of an insult towards my best friends," Hermione huffed.

"Tomorrow before lunch," Blaise repeated, "We'll be there."

. . . . .

Hermione and Ginny were waiting in the hall. Around the corner was the Great Hall where students were beginning to file in for lunch. Hermione was a nervous wreck. She wasn't sure how the school would take it. How her own friends would take it.

"Are you sure about this, Mione? We don't have to do it — "

"I have to. Blaise is already waiting. And you saw it in his eyes, he's excited that he doesn't have to hide me anymore," Hermione countered with a sigh.

'You still on for this? We can do it another time if you want.' Blaise's voice rang in her head.

'No. We're doing this. How many people are there?' She questioned. Hermione could feel a trace if excitement from Blaise.

'Quite a few. Now would be good — if you're ready that is.' Blaise answered.

"Let's go."

Hermione took a deep breath and linked arms with Ginny. The two girls rounded the corner, chatting casually about some random hair product Ginny recently discovered. Once they were a couple feet away from the two Slytherins, the plan fell into place.

"Hey sis!" Blaise grinned.

Many heads whipped over. A few people even backed up to see if they had heard him right. There were mostly first to third years there. All of them would be sure to tell their common room every detail they saw.

"Hey Blaise," Hermione smiled nervously.

She unlinked her arm from Ginny's and gave Blaise a quick hug. Ginny sent a small hand signal towards Draco. He was leaning against the wall casually, surveying the scene in front of him as if it were normal. He saw Ginny's signal and made a causal nod of his head.

"How has your day been so far?" Blaise asked.

"Let me guess. Perfectly exquisite? All those house points you dock up from being a know-it-all must make you so very proud," Draco snarled, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"At least I can get points, Malfoy," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Don't test me, Zabini," Draco growled, glaring down his nose in her direction.

"Come on! I see Harry and Ron!" Ginny said bouncing on her toes.

"We'll finish this later," Hermione glared.

She turned away from the boys and walked off. Ginny and Hermione subtlety  high fived. Blaise and Draco did a weird fist bump — hand shake — bro hug thing before following them.

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